Me thinks those stupid cunts got what they deserve, wanna talk rot in of all forums, a government linked one. KNN, wanna bet their ips are all logged in a MDA database?
I think it got to a point that people do not give a flying fuck to be seen or logged fucking LKY and his PAP goons.
Those LKY and PAP maggots cockroaches are cowards and only dare to bully people.
It do not matter to me if they catch me or not catch me.
I do not give a flying fuck to them or for them.
It is inevitable that smear of shit will be eating joss sticks soon, if the demons and ghouls all out to screw and torture him allow him to eat joss sticks in the first place
And then his PAP , packed with self serving greedy vicious scums of society will implode with their back and front stabbings as they fight to control those hundreds of billions
Unless you think PAP are honest moral compasses who think of Singapore and not themselves.
LKY , by the choice of those he let into PAP, ensured PAP will die shortly after he eat joss sticks and have front seat in seeing gecko being screwed and fucked by demons and ghouls