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CCP ATB dates >100men in a year. Kym?



32yo Woman Goes Out With Over 100 Men in a Year as She Would Like to Settle Down by 35

Relationships can be hard to navigate as it requires effort from both parties. On top of that, it’s also important to see if your life values align, especially if you’re planning to start a family together.

According to China Press, a woman in China shared her experience on going out with over 100 men in the span of a year. She mentioned that prior to this, she had a long-term boyfriend whom she dated for over 8 years.

Unfortunately, she said that they had broken up a year ago and since then, she has decided to go on dates as frequently as she can in hopes that she can find love and settle down.
“I moved to Beijing over a decade ago and just last year, I lost my job and got dumped by my boyfriend. Everything happened all at once that it felt so surreal. After sulking for 2 weeks, I decided to pick my life back up and started dating again,” she added.

She then started to go on a rampage by going on dates frequently and she revealed that she had even met 3 different men on the same day. She shared that just like other women, she feels that she is ‘tied down’ by a biological clock and ideally, she’d like to have a child before she turns 35.

She ended the post by saying, “I want to settle down and have a child before I turn 35. As much as I don’t want to give myself the pressure, I think it’s okay to set a goal for myself.”
