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Posted on 15 Mar 2010
Elderly woman bleeding after China national knocks her down with bicycle
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A cyclist knocked into an elderly woman as he was riding on his bicycle in front of Tanjong Katong Complex yesterday (Mar 14), as witnessed by STOMPer Vassili.
Blood was spurting from the back of her head. The man in the orange T-shirt, a China national, seemed genuinely distressed as he helped the woman to apply pressure on her wound with tissue paper.
He recounted:
“I called the ambulance, and while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, we continued to apply pressure on the wound with tissue paper.
“It was quite a big cut, and we had blood all over our hand and shirt.
“The ambulance came about 10 minutes later and the paramedics attended to the woman and dressed her wound.
“I couldn't really understand what the man was saying, but I assume he told me that he had accidentally knocked into the woman as she came out from the shopping mall.
“At one point, he even offered to pay for her medical fees, but I think she knew it was purely unintentional, so she declined.”
The STOMPer added: “Kudos to the China national for facing the whole thing like a man, even staying till the police came to take a statement.”
Elderly woman bleeding after cyclist knocks her down
Keywords: Tanjong Katong , cyclist , elderly , bleeding
Elderly woman bleeding after China national knocks her down with bicycle
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A cyclist knocked into an elderly woman as he was riding on his bicycle in front of Tanjong Katong Complex yesterday (Mar 14), as witnessed by STOMPer Vassili.
Blood was spurting from the back of her head. The man in the orange T-shirt, a China national, seemed genuinely distressed as he helped the woman to apply pressure on her wound with tissue paper.
He recounted:
“I called the ambulance, and while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, we continued to apply pressure on the wound with tissue paper.
“It was quite a big cut, and we had blood all over our hand and shirt.
“The ambulance came about 10 minutes later and the paramedics attended to the woman and dressed her wound.
“I couldn't really understand what the man was saying, but I assume he told me that he had accidentally knocked into the woman as she came out from the shopping mall.
“At one point, he even offered to pay for her medical fees, but I think she knew it was purely unintentional, so she declined.”
The STOMPer added: “Kudos to the China national for facing the whole thing like a man, even staying till the police came to take a statement.”
Elderly woman bleeding after cyclist knocks her down
Keywords: Tanjong Katong , cyclist , elderly , bleeding