This Leisure World ship is full of Feng Shui ... and this and that and what have you ...
a) locations and facings of gambling tables
b) positions of entrances and exits
c) selections of Dealers with different "looks" "nice " and
"urgly" / "makan" or "give" looks / girl /boy dealers
d) Zooming Cameras
e) Spying "Pit Bosses" and "Security Staffs "
f) Prayers Rooms ( who really know where they put them ? )
g) offerings of "tit-bits" and chinese busicutes under the
gambling tables ???
h) offering of prayers etc... at Harbour Front
i ) Persians Cats
j) Dogs
l )
Dear brothers just to say these are the "elements" that can affect gamblers
if you know any other "elements" and or things please contribute to
brothers here for their own "protection " and self knowledge ...
With so many barangs how to win? I think i will just skip that place.