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Captain McCully


Pushed me with stupid work and dissed me just because I don’t know aircraft investment and leasing financial. Why should I know? Am I a financial controller and paid their salary to know every aspect of finance?
Did I say in my resume that I know aircraft leasing and investment? Knnbccb expect so much from me and my finance staff while so lenient to Australia staff that can don’t meet deadline and go backstab me complain to him.


Pushed me with stupid work and dissed me just because I don’t know aircraft investment and leasing financial. Why should I know? Am I a financial controller and paid their salary to know every aspect of finance?

You only know how to suck cock!



Don’t bluff is you and your Cantonese chicken mother dying to suck cock not me. Pui!
That reminds me when I was trying to rent a condo last year this Cantonese bitch landlord rather rent cheaper to a Angmoh for shorter lease. That’s how much pretentious @Cottonmouth and his Cantonese mother like to suck Angmoh cock indeed.


Did I say in my resume that I know aircraft leasing and investment? Knnbccb expect so much from me and my finance staff while so lenient to Australia staff that can don’t meet deadline and go backstab me complain to him.
Oh ya I did go find out from sia aircraft leasing department how to do and came out with the full financial model hor. Completed all the hard work as usual and the accountant that takeover can just put in the numbers to run.


That reminds me when I was trying to rent a condo last year this Cantonese bitch landlord rather rent cheaper to a Angmoh for shorter lease. That’s how much pretentious @Cottonmouth and his Cantonese mother like to suck Angmoh cock indeed.

She look at your slutty face already know you will reduce her condo into a whore house.