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Captain McCully


Always make the right decision to terminate incompetent staff
You busted liar keep churning repeated lies again and again LJ McCully fired me for shouting at him for endorsing sexual harassment. Nothing to do with my competency.


Captain sacks the incompetent finance manager. Good call.
Busted liar Jeremy Quek eunuch cheap whore tell lies to win. As a matter of fact I am the most competent finance manager after the 3 or 4 finance managers recruited to clear shit came and go and that’s why my ex boss- not LJ McCully but the one before him - asked kt latha to apologize to me if not will fire her. Why do you think the 3 or 4 finance managers came and went? Because of kt latha is like empress dowager and the finance department staff is not the finance manager staff but her staff.


Busted liar Jeremy Quek eunuch cheap whore tell lies to win. As a matter of fact I am the most competent finance manager after the 3 or 4 finance managers recruited to clear shit came and go and that’s why my ex boss- not LJ McCully but the one before him - asked kt latha to apologize to me if not will fire her. Why do you think the 3 or 4 finance managers came and went? Because of kt latha is like empress dowager and the finance department staff is not the finance manager staff but her staff.
Lying is the hallmark of a slut


Excuses to cover up her own incompetence.
Excuses and lies are all you Jeremy Quek tell that to yourself. My contribution to SFC cleared up all shit within three years and set up all processes train staff etc no one can dispute. Pui!


Wise to reject a siao lang advances and terminating her service when opportunity came.
You Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant tell lies to harm and harass middle aged woman and should be sent to jail again. Obviously you have not repented and fabricating repeated lies of me with your Ccb Cantonese pride.


Busted liar Jeremy Quek eunuch cheap whore tell lies to win. As a matter of fact I am the most competent finance manager after the 3 or 4 finance managers recruited to clear shit came and go and that’s why my ex boss- not LJ McCully but the one before him - asked kt latha to apologize to me if not will fire her. Why do you think the 3 or 4 finance managers came and went? Because of kt latha is like empress dowager and the finance department staff is not the finance manager staff but her staff.
Seriously when I joined SFC all the finance department staff bullied me no joke. No wonder the 3 or 4 finance managers came and left. Why a company had shit is always because of shitty people like kt latha that bring shit and unfortunate me got to clear her shit and get smeared in return.


She masturbated thinking of him?

Both hands put inside her curry hole and oar.

Gin has a large pussy.



Busted liar Jeremy Quek eunuch cheap whore tell lies to win. As a matter of fact I am the most competent finance manager after the 3 or 4 finance managers recruited to clear shit came and go and that’s why my ex boss- not LJ McCully but the one before him - asked kt latha to apologize to me if not will fire her. Why do you think the 3 or 4 finance managers came and went? Because of kt latha is like empress dowager and the finance department staff is not the finance manager staff but her staff.
That’s the problem with secretary that like to boss people when they are not boss. Pui!


Wisdom and no hesitation to sack ugly sluts with no mirrors at home.
LJ McCully is not just unprofessional GM that endorsed sexual harassment but an ungrateful boss as well that sacked finance manager that cleared up all shit for the company just because all the shit is already cleared and he can easily get the accountant to run a clean slate. Of course you criminal bully son of slut Jeremy Quek endorsed such behavior. View attachment 157888


LJ McCully is not just unprofessional GM that endorsed sexual harassment but an ungrateful boss as well that sacked finance manager that cleared up all shit for the company just because all the shit is already cleared and he can easily get the accountant to run a clean slate.



LJ McCully is not just unprofessional GM that endorsed sexual harassment but an ungrateful boss as well that sacked finance manager that cleared up all shit for the company just because all the shit is already cleared and he can easily get the accountant to run a clean slate. Of course you criminal bully son of slut Jeremy Quek endorsed such behavior. View attachment 157888
Not a caring boss too that never bothered to visit me after my car accident. My ex boss and colleagues came - even kt latha came as that was before her attitude to me changed after LJ McCully became the boss.


Not a caring boss too that never bothered to visit me after my car accident. My ex boss and colleagues came - even kt latha came as that was before her attitude to me changed after LJ McCully became the boss.

Why didn't you die?
Did the accident tear your hymen?


Without McCully, the finance department in SFC would have been a mess. Good decision to terminate an incompetent worker.
You son of slut chicken are so shameless don’t know can keep telling lies. By the time LJ McCully came in most of the mess is already cleared and neither he nor my ex boss led the cleaning of shit and no credit to them.


An honourable man did an honourable thing to get rid of dead wood in SFC. Good man.
Another big lie - the finance manager that led the cleaning of all shit in three years - I.e the biggest credit is impossible to be deadwood.


You should ask kt latha about her own dirty mouth and dirty deeds bullying me after LJ McCully became boss that are just like your dirty mouth and dirty deeds bullying me here. Pui! View attachment 157889
How a secretary will treat you depends on how her boss treat you indeed. Once a secretary always a secretary even promote to hr manager also secretary behavior secretary material secretary standard: bully employees instead of what qualified hr manager should do looking after employees.


Not a caring boss too that never bothered to visit me after my car accident. My ex boss and colleagues came - even kt latha came as that was before her attitude to me changed after LJ McCully became the boss.
Pushed me with stupid work and dissed me just because I don’t know aircraft investment and leasing financial. Why should I know? Am I a financial controller and paid their salary to know every aspect of finance?