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Captain McCully


You despicable loser Malaysian @nughtsafari clone fabricate lies accuse me mad to win think you can get away with doing evil to me but heaven is watching you and already your only son is dead obigood. Pui!


Of course that’s your usual lowlife Malaysian son of sugar baby dirty tricks lose debate will accuse woman mad or slut chicken. Pui!
@strawberry look at youself whatever you tried to expose of me exposed yourself. Lose debate only accuse people mad is called what? Despicable lowlife liar criminal bully.


People insult you slut poor victim got to pour money to sue them show cb to prove virgin no big labia whatever nonsense Knnbccb
Ccb criminal bullies sons of chickens sluts no need to prove can open Ccb mouth to make accusations of me slut chicken while the poor victim of attacks got to prove virgin prove got whistle prove got knocks Knnbccb this kind of society that endorsed criminals certainly deserved a totalitarian government . Pui!


You posted my evidence. You have many Indians messaging you, calling you, only a whore has that. You are a whore!! You are a dirty girl!
You Jeremy Quek son of chicken busted fabricate evidence now think people stupid can’t differentiate between evidence of a woman being smeared a whore and a real whore. Pui!


Ccb criminal bullies sons of chickens sluts no need to prove can open Ccb mouth to make accusations of me slut chicken while the poor victim of attacks got to prove virgin prove got whistle prove got knocks Knnbccb this kind of society that endorsed criminals certainly deserved a totalitarian government . Pui!
Excuse me LJ McCully and kt latha, NO EVIDENCE NO TALK!