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Cantonese Hakka slut committed ADULTERY AND almost caused harm to Hokkien/Teochew new bf. No need to dig over one decade old news to find one hahaha


Just like my Nusa Duta Cantonese mistress woman and her daughter neighbours from hell who manipulated their gangster poor man gigolo Teochew son in law/husband to make knocks, throw litter to chase me out of my own home; and later damaged my house again and again whenever my house was vacant just after each tenant left, then asked the gigolo’s teochew brother/cousin to pose as innocent buyer to buy it cheap and steal and rob from me.
Hokkien/Teochew husband - be it billionaire, non billionaire or gigolo gangster - are good choice for Cantonese women that are good at manipulating them to do their bidding indeed.


Good choice of new boyfriend. Potential billionaire. No wonder Cantonese women like to find hokkien/Teochew as spouse. Hardworking men while they can idle and manipulate them.
Oh ya my Nusa Duta Malaysian Cantonese mistress neighbor and her daughter are definitely very idle got maid to take care of dogs and go to work at 10 am come back 5 pm, so cushy jobs must be working at their dao tao companies or work for show or fun only. The Cantonese mistress brings her maid to go to work some more. Why don’t bring the dogs instead like what high class angmohs at some tech company did ? Instead of acting high class while caging up the four or five dogs in small cages for long hours from overnight while they disappeared causing them to bark non stop. Pui!


I know one such cantonese woman no need to work and get husband to pay for maid to take care of her mother in law. Good life even when hokkien/Teochew spouse is not billionaire!
Straight forward Hokkien woman want to don’t work and get treated like queen by hokkien husband like this idle Cantonese woman that is good at manipulating hokkien husband to do her bidding? Tan ku ku aka wait long long


Just like my Nusa Duta Cantonese mistress woman and her daughter neighbours from hell who manipulated their gangster poor man gigolo Teochew son in law/husband to make knocks, throw litter to chase me out of my own home; and later damaged my house again and again whenever my house was vacant just after each tenant left, then asked the gigolo’s teochew brother/cousin to pose as innocent buyer to buy it cheap and steal and rob from me.
Up up up for all the evil coward criminal bully dogs that whistled at me everyday everywhere I go - or even at home like what just happened - dare not whistle at their own cheap slut mistress kind like the ones in Nusa Duta with Spore Mercedes car plate man visitor not staying there but sponsor and supervisor of the renovation of the house which is under the name of the pretty old Cantonese woman. That’s 100% mistress according to Malaysian criminal bullies own definition. Pui!


Up up up for all the evil coward criminal bully dogs that whistled at me everyday everywhere I go - or even at home like what just happened - dare not whistle at their own cheap slut mistress kind like the ones in Nusa Duta with Spore Mercedes car plate man visitor not staying there but sponsor and supervisor of the renovation of the house which is under the name of the pretty old Cantonese woman. That’s 100% mistress according to Malaysian criminal bullies own definition. Pui!
Some more is extensive renovation with illegal extension that took months meaning expensive renovation expenditure hor.


Some more is extensive renovation with illegal extension that took months meaning expensive renovation expenditure hor.
The gigolo gangster Teochew husband of the mistress daughter never appeared once in the entire renovation process. No wonder so eager to please the cheap slut Cantonese mistress mother in law and daughter to harass and bully me starting from day one that he moved in. Pui!


The gigolo gangster Teochew husband of the mistress daughter never appeared once in the entire renovation process. No wonder so eager to please the cheap slut Cantonese mistress mother in law and daughter to harass and bully me starting from day one that he moved in. Pui!
Highlight it is ANOTHER cheap big bully Malaysian Cantonese mistress okay?


My old uncle Hakka neighbour has this to say to siao charbo Gin - oi teow giat giat teow, ng oi kong ang dor, oi tian gong liao.


My old uncle Hakka neighbour has this to say to siao charbo Gin - oi teow giat giat teow, ng oi kong ang dor, oi tian gong liao.
Am I supposed to know hakka? English please if it is not shit. If insult give to your slut mother.


Up up up for Cantonese son of slut @Balls2U accusing me a virgin as telling lies because his own family cantonese women are sluts and kept women. Pui!



Mark Andrew yeo what are you laughing ?


every night up up up different person, u're really one cheap slut, how to believe u're a virgin !! ... fake virgin slut :roflmao:
You sia suay mark Andrew yeo son of hakka slut read up up up for as up up up to bully me a virgin as slut with your hakka pride. Pui!