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Cantonese dog son of chicken @pig is 小三adulterer thief with cheap dao tao strategy doing defamation crimes protected by leongsam zhihau


tsk tsk tsk...you didn't attend your late father's funeral after scamming his inheritance to u. so unfilial. tsk tsk tsk...horrible and evil woman.

you will probably not attend your mother's funeral too.

i won't be surprised if one day you murder your brother and sister in law over $$$$.




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Tsk tsk tsk I say I don’t attend funerals obviously means other people’s funerals you evil shameless Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED ADULTERER DEFAMING HOKKIEN VIRGIN AS ADULTEROUS CAN 无中生有 accuse me don’t atrend my father’s funeral. Your own family funeral is not called attend but called you host the funeral obviously you didn’t attend your family funerals not me. And nope I am not estranged with my mother or brother and will be at my mother’s funeral Pui!

