Hi googleplexes, I am still single and am really afraid of getting married and having kids in a country which function like a pressure-cooker.
I would like to direct some questions to people who are familiar with the oil and gas and possibly related industries too. Maybe nayr69sg can help or some other experts.
I am trained in IT and currently working in my family-owned small transport firm. Lost touch with IT nearly 4 years ago. I would like to learn a trade and get my hands dirty, something linked to IT maybe Instrumentation or Geomatics yet at the same time able to have a job to provide me with 3 meals a day and a roof over my head. At the age of 35 (intended age of entry for study), am I too old to learn a trade? By the time I graduate from any trade, I would be 37 and I am not sure employers would consider an apprentice that old.
Anyone familiar with Alberta or Saskatchewan's jobs outlook, could you recommend any job, careers or trades that would be where the money is. I would like to read up all of them and make a choice. Many thanks.
starstar, i am looking at applying 2 yr dip course in geomatics at NAIT. if successful, I'll be 39 when i graduate.