Perhaps then, your personality and temperament are better suited to another profession.
Here are some of the things I kena fucked for.
Some patients are upset on the high cost of cannabis.
Some patients are upset that medical cannabis is not covered at all by universal care plans.
Some patients are upset that they need to be followed up q3monthly and need to be asked questions during follow up consultations (ie they do not want to be followed up)
Some patients are upset that they need an Rx to be able to purchase cannabis from LPs directly.
Some patients are upset that their insurance company will not cover the cost of their medical cannabis
Some patients are upset that having an Rx does not protect them from getting charged by the courts if found to be driving with a level of THC >5ng/ml (which is almost 100% if they were to be tested and have been taking medical cannabis as prescribed by us). They feel we should go fight this in courts to advocate for patients.
Some patients are unreasonable as to their appointment times needing to be adhered to strictly and will not accept apologies for being late for their appointment.
Some of these patients can be extremely sarcastic and abusive during the consultation. I
do not think that it is possible to screen for such patients before I see them.
Being abused by them and falsely accused of being on the side of pharma, government and profit etc does not bode well for future doctor-patient encounters. I do find myself having these same discussions and unpleasantries told to me again.
Nothing I can do about those issues above really. Not within my power.