Maybe he should go round campaigning in Singlet and shorts to win sympathy votes come Election...
Ah Seng is not the only one in Parliament without a basic degree. His buddy and fellow alumni:
Name : Dr Ahmad bin Mohamed Magad (Member of Parliament)
Constituency : Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC
Party Affiliation
People’s Action Party
Place of Birth : Singapore
Date of Birth : 22-12-1952
Marital Status : Married
No of Children : 3
Religion : Islam
Educational Qualifications
1959-1964 PSLE (Haig Boys' School)
1965-1968 GCE `O' Level (Presbyterian High School)
1969-1970 GCE `A' Level (Presbyterian High School)
1971-1974 Ing. Grad. (Professional Diploma in Precision Engineering-Optics) Aalen Fachhochschule (Germany)
1986-1990 MBA Brunel University, UK
1992-1995 Advanced Postgrad. Diploma in Management (Consultancy Henley Management College)
Hey, forummers here always complained that PAP only recognizes paper qualification.
Now we know that some MPs have no degree. Guess what, forummers here are behaving like PAP, only talking about measuring a person based on degree. How ironic!!!!
Don't reverse the logic. PAP is first to criticise opposition MPs for the lack of qualification. It is only ironic how some of them don't have a degree.
what are you talking, i have known tons of people finishing their degree oversea in 2 years and came back. i even know of a lady from poly finish in 1 year exact without honours
what are you talking, i have known tons of people finishing their degree oversea in 2 years and came back. i even know of a lady from poly finish in 1 year exact without honours
what are you talking, i have known tons of people finishing their degree oversea in 2 years and came back. i even know of a lady from poly finish in 1 year exact without honours
Language standard of pappy cocksuckers nowsadays![]()
I also know alot of people finishing their degree overseas in 2 years, but these people all got diploma from polytechnic here before going overseas. Polytechnic is considered tertiary education, which allows exemption of one year for degree course. "A" level is considered general education and would not have qualified for any exemption. Pl see SHT education details in earlier post, what he has is "A" level before his SIM diploma.
Where his doctorate come from??![]()
what if i told you even if you are from A level, goes oversea if you are insane enough and have no life, its still possible to finish a degree without honours in 2 years. clue: take modules in summer holiday as well. WHAT IS SO SURPRISING ABOUT THIS?
open your bloody mind, the whole world uni does not contain only nus or ntu past system. READ IT CAREFFULLY, PAST SYSTEM. Is your circle of friends are so small that none of them done it before? oversea uni workload are not as hard as the locals, overloading is common if you want to save on cash. goodness i cannot believe someone actually argue on this.
Where his doctorate come from??![]()
Now we are talking about 1983 to 1984 SIM, if this is not talking about the past system, what is it? I'm not interested in your argument of current NTU/NUS system, it is irrelevant to this topic. Period.
did you know SIM is not allowed to award degree? now go figure where those people get their degree from SIM. if this very fact you cannot figure it out, i believe you will be too stupid to understand the rest. Once you understand this very fact, you will know why comparing SIM system with previous NUS/NTU is PLAIN STUPID. your understanding of the system makes me wonder did you study in uni before a not before you comment. not that i looked down on those who don't have a degree, tons of people made it without one. BUT in your case, i suspect you were not even in the system before and yet pretend to understand what's going on. IF YOU WERE IN THE SYSTEM BEFORE, goodness....i don't know what were you doing when you were in uni.
i be kind here to give you a hint, current modular system of NUS now is much more similar to SIM now.
you are the one with the local frog (past nus/ntu) in the well mindset that its not possible to graduate in 2 years, and said its not possible to get a degree from a modular SIM system. i am not the one that is comparing, YOU ARE THE ONE. i am here fucking tell you its stupid to compare it this way, TILL NOW YOU STILL DON'T GET IT. best part you said i off topic, you are really stupid beyond all hope.
now who is the one diverting from the discussion that is it possible to graduate in 2 years with this silly and pointless statement:
"btw do you know that Hong Kong is changing their university system from 3 years to 4 years soon?"
NOW your turn, quote any statement from me that made me divert off topic. if you are too stupid to understand the points raised by me to support my motion, i will be kind to spoon-feed you within this 1 hour. of course every thing comes at a price, i will be sure to add insult with it, for i cannot believe anyone to be so stupid not to be able to understand all these in simple English.
i am sorry if i hurt your feeling that you know nuts about the system cause you were never in it. i am sure you will do well in life without a degree. one advice, qualification is nothing, but being stubborn and not willing to listen <----hopeless
You are the dumb bloke who can't make it to NUS/NTU and so sour grape about it. You are infuriated because you are the one with the SIM diploma that you're trying so hard to pass off as a basic degree!
Now you said it my comment about HK system is silly and pointless. Well it is as silly and pointless as your comments about USA and Europe.