Posted on 09 Jul 2010
Bug found in milk tea from famous bubble tea shop
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So sad
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STOMPer JIN's girlfriend spotted a bug in the milk tea purchased from KOI Cafe, a famous bubble tea shop, at its Bishan outlet. Although he had reported the incident to the staff at KOI cafe, they were apparently insincere in compensating them.
JIN said:
"Yesterday, I brought a cup of milk tea from KOI Cafe at Bishan, beside the bus interchange at around 12 plus. After that, I took a train home and kept it in the refrigerator until my girlfriend came over to my house to drink it.
"During her first slip, she noticed something wrong so she took it out. To our horror, it's a beetle-like creature with long legs. It was totally disgusting and she rushed to rinse her mouth.
"We searched through the net to try to find a way to notify KOI by email. But we only managed to get the branch number.
"I called them up and inform them of the situation. I spoke to a guy and he took down my handphone number, my surname and told me that he will get back to me.
"However, until now, I did not recieve any explanation nor have they taken any action. They seemed insincere about compensating us.
"I think that it's only fair to let the other KOI lovers out there to know about this incident."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Bug found in milk tea from famous bubble tea shop
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer JIN's girlfriend spotted a bug in the milk tea purchased from KOI Cafe, a famous bubble tea shop, at its Bishan outlet. Although he had reported the incident to the staff at KOI cafe, they were apparently insincere in compensating them.
JIN said:
"Yesterday, I brought a cup of milk tea from KOI Cafe at Bishan, beside the bus interchange at around 12 plus. After that, I took a train home and kept it in the refrigerator until my girlfriend came over to my house to drink it.
"During her first slip, she noticed something wrong so she took it out. To our horror, it's a beetle-like creature with long legs. It was totally disgusting and she rushed to rinse her mouth.
"We searched through the net to try to find a way to notify KOI by email. But we only managed to get the branch number.
"I called them up and inform them of the situation. I spoke to a guy and he took down my handphone number, my surname and told me that he will get back to me.
"However, until now, I did not recieve any explanation nor have they taken any action. They seemed insincere about compensating us.
"I think that it's only fair to let the other KOI lovers out there to know about this incident."
Click on thumbnails for larger image