in order to secure that extinction of desire which alone could lead to Nirvana, buddha prescribed for his followers a life of detachment from the comforts, pleasures, and occupations of the common run of men. to secure this end, he adopted for himself and his disciples the quiet, secluded, contemplative life of the brahmin ascetics. It was foreign to his plan that his followers should engage in any form of industrial pursuits, lest they might thereby be entangled in worldly cares and desires. their means of subsistence was alms ( encourage proverty ); hence the name commonly applied to Buddhist monks was bhikkus, beggars. detachment from family life was absolutely necessary ( thats evil ). Married life was to be avoided as a pit of hot coals ( thats evil ), for it was incompatible with the quenching of desire and the extinction of individual existence. in like manner, worldly possessions and worldly power had to be renounced ( enourage humans to be lazy ) everything that might minister to pride, greed, or self-indulgence ( make humans to lose motivation ) . Yet in exacting of his followers a life of severe simplicity, each member was allowed but one set of garments, of yellowish colour and of cheap quality ( thats self torture ). these, together with his sleeping mat, razor, needle, water-strainer, and alms bowl, constituted the sum of his earthly possessions. his single meal, which had to be taken before noon, consisted chiefly of bread, rice, and curry, which he gathered daily in his alms-bowl by begging ( stop ppl from working ) . water or rice-milk was his customary drink, wine and other intoxicants being rigorously forbidden, even as medicine ( thats fucking crazy , if you are sick ) . meat, fish, and delicacies were rarely eaten except in sickness or when the monk dined by invitation with some patron. the use of perfumes, flowers, ointments, and participation in worldly amusements fell also into the class of things prohibited ( do not encourage hiuman to live life to the fullest ) .