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Brits told CECA PM to fuck off.


  1. 23:48 4 July​

    Bar chart showing the predicted Labour majority of 170 is the second largest since 1945 behind Tony Blairs victory in 1997

  2. How does tonight's exit poll compare to previous landslides?published at 23:46 4 July
    23:46 4 July​

    Becky Morton
    Politics reporter
    Tony Blair meets well-wishers holding Union Jacks outside Downing Street, following Labour's landslide victory in 1997
    If the exit poll is accurate, Labour is set to win a landslide with a majority of 170.
    The figure is just short of the majority of 179 won by Tony Blair in 1997 – the last time a general election saw a majority over 170.
    Labour went on to hold power for 13 years and in 2001 Blair was re-elected with another landslide, albeit with a slightly lower 167 seat majority.
    For a bigger majority than 1997, you have to go back to 1935, when the National Government, a three-party coalition led by Conservative Stanley Baldwin, won a 242-seat majority.




Tories turn fury on Sunak's inner circle​

Henry Zeffman
Chief political correspondent

As they wait for more results, some Conservatives are turning their fury on Rishi Sunak’s inner circle.

Shortly before polls closed, Sunak announced a string of honours for former cabinet ministers such as Theresa May and Chris Grayling.

He also gave a peerage to Liam Booth-Smith, his chief of staff, and a knighthood to Oliver Dowden, his deputy prime minister.

I’ve just had this through from a senior Conservative source:

"There is widespread disgust at the reward for abject failure in Rishi’s dissolution list. Sir Oliver Dowden pushed for an early election and has been the worst DPM in living memory, demonstrating terrible political judgment.

"Lord Booth Smith is the architect of the Sunak project and connived to bring down the biggest election winning Tory PM in a generation. Sunak’s pledge to bring integrity back to politics when he entered Downing Street has proven to be a total lie. This an utter disgrace."

That gives you a flavour of the recriminations which are beginning right now.

Sir Charles Walker, who stood down as a Conservative MP at the election, responded to that quote in our radio studio just now, saying: "The idea that people in the Conservative Party are going to be as sanguine and magnanimous as I am, is for the birds."

syed putra

There will be no changes as labour leader starmer is just as conservative. Corbyn was ousted for being labelled as anti jewish although he was antiwar.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Risky Snake is a WEF doggie.

Most of our PAP technocrats are WEF doggies too. :cool:

Watch this meeting of globalist anti-carbon ghouls in 2020. I put the timestamp at where Risky Snake gave his speech.

By the way, the City of London is not the same as the greater London city. Different mayor, different rules, different police, different logo.

City of London is the cesspit of those globalist-financial demons. You can see their dragon logo on the podium at the very start of the video.


Risky Snake is a WEF doggie.

Most of our PAP technocrats are WEF doggies too. :cool:

Watch this meeting of globalist anti-carbon ghouls in 2020. I put the timestamp at where Risky Snake gave his speech.

By the way, the City of London is not the same as the greater London city. Different mayor, different rules, different police, different logo.

City of London is the cesspit of those globalist-financial demons. You can see their dragon logo on the podium at the very start of the video.
where the money is, you will find these vipers slithering and owning the turf. It’s territorial