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Brits told CECA PM to fuck off.


The most important result in the UK election. Everything else is noise.

Thank Goodness he won..now there will be real action in parliament and the UK will finally be able to stand up against the Globalists



I've congratulated Starmer on winning election - Sunak

Rishi Sunak's speaking after it was announced that he'd held on to his seat in Richmond, Yorkshire.

In a fairly short speech, he says "Labour has won this election" and that he's called Keir Starmer to congratulate him.

Rishi Sunak arrives at Northallerton Leisure Centre in Northallerton



Labour wins general election after reaching 326 seats​

Labour has officially won the 2024 general election after reaching the required 326 seats.

Speaking in central London, the next prime minister Keir Starmer says "change begins now".

"Change begins now," he tells a cheering and smiling crowd, adding:

"It feels good, I have to be honest."



An extraordinarily good night for Labour - but not with Muslim voters​

Henry Zeffman
Chief political correspondent

Keir Starmer

Let’s be clear, tonight has been an extraordinarily good night for the Labour Party. Under Keir Starmer they have won more seats than they would ever have dreamed in the aftermath of the 2019 general election.

But there is grit in the oyster. They have performed strikingly badly in seats with large numbers of Muslim voters. Labour’s vote is down on average by 10 points in seats where more than 10% of the population identify as Muslim.

That’s one reason Labour have lost Leicester East to the Conservatives and the main reason perhaps that Jonathan Ashworth, a shadow cabinet minister, lost Leicester South to an independent - so far the biggest shock of the night.
More may yet come. I’m told by a senior Labour source it’s extremely likely that a pro-Palestine independent will win in the new seat of Batley and Dewsbury. It’s possible an independent will win in Blackburn.

I’m getting mixed reports about Shabana Mahmood, the shadow justice secretary, in Birmingham Ladywood, but her team are certainly far less bullish than they were at the start of the night.
Bar chart showing Labour votes have dropped by 18.3 points in areas with more than 10% muslim population compared to 14.1 point drop in Conservative vote, 6.2 point rise in teh green vote, small drop in Lib Dem vote, a rise of 7.9 points in Reform UK and 18.7 point rise in votes for other candidates.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pajeet destroyed the Tories. Sad! :biggrin:

Great job to Nigel Farage on his first election, considering the lower budget and how the UK media demonized him and the Reform Party.
