maybe, signboards in tamil might be put up soon.pls update if the ban on all alcohol drinks is on weekend only or on all days 24/7?
what if they bring in alcohol from other places into little india? how to enforce that
maybe, signboards in tamil might be put up soon.pls update if the ban on all alcohol drinks is on weekend only or on all days 24/7?
what if they bring in alcohol from other places into little india? how to enforce that
If there's a ban on the buying/selling of beer...
What happens if someone drives a beer truck into Little India and gives away free beer, like how Milo trucks give away free Milo.![]()
You look at those youtube videos....there are easily more than 100 jokers participating in the overturning and burning of police cars and ambulance. Say SPF only managed to catch 30. There are still more than 70 lurking around.400 rioters, how many arrested??????
very efficient
No more news...all is quiet at Ground Zero.
Residents I speak to say all is normal.
The whole place actually quite quiet since the riot.
I think the fear amongst the residents and shop biz is that whether it will happen again. :*:
You and I know PAP govt pays lip service to people's concerns living and having business there.
The possibility of a "revenge" attack is there this weekend or the next few weekends. These Tamils from the South may have that kind of mindset. You never know. If so, SPF better be prepared this time round. It wouldn't be throwing rocks or dustbins or stones. It will be the deadly petrol bombs.![]()
400 rioters, how many arrested??????
very efficient
If I was at the frontline, I would inform police central command that I just spotted Chee Soon Juan and his sister carrying placards and selling books at the side of the road.
The riot squad would have showed up within 5 minutes. :p
I have to agree with you Yinge (though I am no supporter of PAP)!
The fucking frontline policemen and women lives were put in DANGER by a fucking complacent RIOT SQUAD!
If I am the frontliner policeman, I can tell you all the cheebye lanjiao swear words will be aimed at the CHEEBYE RIOT squad commander who took the most congested route to deploy that nite and put everyone's life in danger!
Obviously Not given Sunday's RiotSingapore is small, and the potential areas where the foreign workers meet and socialize during the weekends are less than half a dozen.
Accordingly, a reasonable individual would assume that the SPF and the Special Ops (red vans) would have done their on the ground familiarization and recce during a weekend, to determine where are the possible form up areas to deploy a fast response troop, say at 2 to 3 locations to control the situation. Do they not have non scholar police officers with ground experience?
Singapore is small, and the potential areas where the foreign workers meet and socialize during the weekends are less than half a dozen. Accordingly, a reasonable individual would assume that the SPF and the Special Ops (red vans) would have done their on the ground familiarization and recce during a weekend, to determine where are the possible form up areas to deploy a fast response troop, say at 2 to 3 locations to control the situation. Do they not have non scholar police officers with ground experience?
It can be argued a thousand times between pro-pap and opposition supporters, let's not forget there are many here who remained neutral and voicing opinions without fear or favour.
Like the recent riot and the aftemath, not many are looking at the elephant in the room. In fact there is a herd of them that both sides are not looking at.
Most are looking at the obvious and like doctors, examine and look for answers at what is apparently a disease. Unlike good doctors who besides treating the disease also look deeper and try to discover the root cause and cure it.
Like the rioters, at least 40& of Singaporeans are very unhappy with the government and will vent their anger on whatever is available at hand. This is a sympton of the disease but not the root cause.
Let me give an example of the root cause of why the riot happened. Allowing hundreds of thousands of foreigners into the country is the root cause. Why? For one, migrant workers are mostly lowly educated, and such people think not with their brains but with their heart. The government can say they will use the full force of the country's laws on the rioters. You know what? They are after all migrant workers, and new ones will take their place and by then all that happened in the past are either forgotten or the new ones have no knowledge of it.
So what is the ruling party doing about the growing cancer that is causing the rift between then and the citizens? Will they continue treating the symptons which I believe they are doing or will they treat the root cause?
I see a herd of elephants, do you?
It can be argued a thousand times between pro-pap and opposition supporters, let's not forget there are many here who remained neutral and voicing opinions without fear or favour.
Like the recent riot and the aftemath, not many are looking at the elephant in the room. In fact there is a herd of them that both sides are not looking at.
Most are looking at the obvious and like doctors, examine and look for answers at what is apparently a disease. Unlike good doctors who besides treating the disease also look deeper and try to discover the root cause and cure it.
Like the rioters, at least 40& of Singaporeans are very unhappy with the government and will vent their anger on whatever is available at hand. This is a sympton of the disease but not the root cause.
Let me give an example of the root cause of why the riot happened. Allowing hundreds of thousands of foreigners into the country is the root cause. Why? For one, migrant workers are mostly lowly educated, and such people think not with their brains but with their heart. The government can say they will use the full force of the country's laws on the rioters. You know what? They are after all migrant workers, and new ones will take their place and by then all that happened in the past are either forgotten or the new ones have no knowledge of it.
So what is the ruling party doing about the growing cancer that is causing the rift between then and the citizens? Will they continue treating the symptons which I believe they are doing or will they treat the root cause?
I see a herd of elephants, do you?
Only thing to do is be nice and educate the herd of elephants. We are dependent on the foreign labour, now imagine if the companies are willing to raise the salary of the menial jobs what would that do ? just my two cents worth.
No doubt these are the workers we do want but not those that take jobs away from Singaporeans. The government is taking a hefty sum of money for each and every a household or company employs. Altogether there are about 1.3 million low-skilled workers employed in SIngapore and the FW levy is between $250 - $600. Multiply that by 1.3 million, and we can see how much the government earns every month.
By reducing the levy, employers can pay more per worker but not if the government insists on taking the lion's share. If the foreign worker's pay increases, then the locals and PR's pay will also rise in tandem, which eases their hardship.
The problem with our government is that they have the mindset that to resolve Singapore's problems whether social or otherwise is to increase tax and fines. Good examples, ERP, GST, and etc. Once in place and the monies are flowing in, they completely forgot all about their additional income and absorb the new wealth as an increase in GDP. As they get more wealthy they will spend it on unnecessary luxuries such as Brompton bicycles. I hope anyone reading this gets my drift and where I am coming from. If there appears to be a decrease in GDP they will plan another excuse to get the GDP up, say for example, increase the duty of liquour and cigarettes. They need to show the whole world how successful Singapore is but forgot entirely about the hardship they placed on the workers and the citizens.
The above is quite simplistic way of looking at the problem as there are many factors and other issues not taken into account but your simple question is not so easy for anyone, even for the government to answer. Some soul searching is needed from all of us to find a definitive answer.
u anyhow brame british 4 wat? ... did dey separate sinkielan from msia? ...... You know what I blame the British for giving the asian region independence ...