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Oldie but goodie. From a certain old blog post in 2005:
...here in Singapore,you guys have probably heard about CHC, City Harvest Church. Its a well established church in Singapore with a strong financial base (probably because their brainwashed members donate not 10% of their monthly salary, but 100%). Plenty of Singaporeans, especially teenagers enjoy going to City Harvest, as the church has a lively and friendly atmosphere. But beneath the warm exterior, is the dark forces of satan working 24/7 to ensnare these people, the City Harvest Church, in reality is, a CULT.
My reasons for claiming so? From what I've heard from people who have visited the church, the first impression you get about the people there are that, they are with you for practically the whole duration which you are in the church pestering you to give donations to their church. I've heard, they not only want you to donate 1 or 2 or 3 times.. but much much more than that. They claim that it is for God. But in truth, all the money which you've donated have gone into their pockets probably funding their extravagant lifestyles.
Those are nothing compared to some of the atrocities they commit within the church, they select nubile young girls who visit the church and persuade these girls to actually engage in love-making and claim that these acts are pure and holy and they are committed so as to give praise to the Lord, all these are just to satisfy their carnal desires.
Another act of unholiness I have uncovered is that, within the heart of the church, deep in the dark catacombs is a chamber where the elders, deacons, pastors and selected elite members of the church practise the blood-letting rituals. This ritual is performed weekly on every sabbath, whereby the elders and deacons practise this ritual as a form of initiation for every member wanting to join the ranks of vileness. This blood is then kept in a container and is brought next day to where they break the bread and the blood is then served to the unsuspecting church-goers as wine, of course, the wine are mixed with various juices to cover up the taste of blood.
The rituals are practised in such a way that everyone has a syringe and at the command of the head priest, they insert the syringes into their veins to draw out a certain amount of blood after which the blood is poured into a black chalice placed in front of them, this chalice is then emptied into a container which is collected and stored in a fridge for the consumption of the masses the next day.
On to the next piece evidence, the founder of City Harvest Church, Reverend Kong Hee's spouse is the famous local singer Ho Yeow Sun. The both of them are in fact incarnations of famous biblical people. Sun herself is Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab. Jezebel helped to corrupt Israel with idol-worshipping and she personally worshipped a pagan god by the name of Baal. Jezebel herself was evil and influential and thus, influenced the most of Israel to worship idols. There is a resemblance in Sun with Jezebel as Sun, being both a celebrity and pop singer, is extremely influential. She is able to attract the people to visit the church with intentions of turning them into idol worshippers and the idol being her husband, Reverend Kong Hee.
The Reverend is in fact, the incarnation of the demon, Beelzebub. Beelzebub was a fallen angel along with Lucifer when the rebellion within the heavens took place and was cast along with all the other fallen angels into hell where he reigns as the Prince Of Seraphim (the Prince of Demons), along with Satan himself. You may say: " But the common symbol of a Satanic place is one of a ram, or resembling a ram(male goat)!". Yes, that's true, they do not have any signs of rams within the church BUT, they have used the a much more subtle symbol also of an animal close to a ram, that being, the horse. Where is the symbol located? Just look at the face of Ho Yeow Sun (Sun). That face of hers has faint but obvious signs of a horse and she being one of the leaders in the church, which other face is better than hers to place the physical properties of a horse's face on hers?
The last thing which I want to comment on here is that, upon the unholy union of Beelzebub (Rev Kong Hee) and Jezebel (Ho Yeow Sun), a child was formed within the womb of Jezebel and in my opinion, would eventually grow up to be, the fabled Anti-Christ from the prophecies of the Holy Bible. Judgement Day will soon be upon us. May the Lord have mercy upon your soul.