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Answer my question first can? Why never confront Mark? Or you are Mark? Hahahaha. COWARD. Next time dun act so garang leh.
Answer my question first can? Why never confront Mark? Or you are Mark? Hahahaha. COWARD. Next time dun act so garang leh.
Since your moniker joined the forum in 2010, you have been singing <scroobal>'s praises and not one word of criticism.
Im so happy to see you two verbose cunts where you finally belong…in each other's arms.
bros relax lah.
sometimes shits happen.
get over it.
but i still want fuck ah meng
Answer: I am not angry with Mark. He has not attacked or confronted me in any way. Why should I confront him?
Now my question: Why are you so angry that <scroobal> and <GoldenDragon> monikers are thought to be used by the same person?
Then what are you waiting for?However since I am scroobal too, I guess I could bring him back anytime I want. The ball is in Shanmugam's court.
So the following posts by you to scroobal last year were NOT criticism?I have never criticised scroobal either. In fact I miss him very much and wish that he would come back. His absence keeps me awake at night reminiscing about the good old days when the forum was one big happy family and everybody loved each other to death.
So it comes down to this again... that I'm favouring certain nicks at the expense of others.We had a similar situation in Delphi when people paid for membership and got Walt to do their bidding. And we supported you when you left. This is the same. No points and no issues, no zapping.and we wont be having this discussion.I don't understand why can't simply go with the flow.I hope this 2 faced pimp realises that having fun with his mates behind everyone's back and then being nice on the outside is not a decent thing to do.
Just as his mates torment others with their zaps and bullying, he cannot just walk away. Quite hilarious when he post about MRT bullying others when he feeds the people that do similar acts.
ps. His food photos are however great. I guess we all need pimps no matter how much we despise their vocation.
Re: JOETYS, Will You Marry Me?
The survival of this forum depends upon a regular supply of content that the thousands of guest lurkers come here to read on a daily basis. For every member, there are 10 lurkers who are here to devour the content.
I couldn't care two hoots about the character flaws of the various oddballs that populate this forum. If I did there would be nobody left after I'd passed judgement and got rid of them.
As long as they keep posting information or opinions that people find worthwhile, I treat them as valuable assets to the forum even if they're axe murderers, rapists, upskirt specialists, arsehole bandits, lunatics, retards or a combination of everything despicable.
If certain members mess up the forum to the point where threads become a pain to read, I'll deal with it. As long as they post useful stuff, I couldn't give a shit what they do behind the scenes.
I suggest you adopt the same attitude.
JW5 has been disrupting thread after thread and he outplays you when it comes to brinkmanship. You must have reached your limit at least 10 times - quite an elastic limit.
If cant handle him, please don't preach to me about flow.
Thank you for the past and for the valuable cover that you provided me. I do not take it for granted and my respect for you being bold and brave in helping Singaporeans. I do leave with good memories as I did gained more that I ever gave.![]()
In my opinion, I've done a pretty good job being as impartial. If you take a look at the rubbish folder pretty much everyone is represented. It may take a bit longer in certain threads compared to others but that's only because there's only a certain amount of crap here that I can digest on a daily basis so some threads go unread.
Are you scared of a weakling like Mark Yeo? With one hand one leg I have no problem fighting Mark. And I am hitting 60 soon while your enemy is just 52.
okay, here's my reply:Btw, where is Jah and Takashi? They may be able to reply after their analysis of what I wrote.
Is it this guy? :pIt is just one guy controlling both accounts.Are you finally admitting that the man controlling the "GoldenDragon" account is the same man who controls the "scroobal" account? :p
Keppel Corporation - Keppel Infrastructure Trust renews Board with two directors
I don't know him in real life, but I think there's a good chance that he's pro-PAP.
Honestly, I still don't know why jw5 is so sure you are "Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong (杨家俊)", or how he found the evidence; but that's not important to me.
What's important is whether or not YOU ("GoldenDragon") are TRUSTWORTHY.![]()
...an internet forum with annonymous monikers.
Even if they are annonymous or think they are annonymous.
But I'm not blaming him, because he must have been so aNNoyed by you! :pAll Internet Monikers are disgraceful. There are no credible monikers in an Internet forum where the members are annonymous.
I have never criticised scroobal either. In fact I miss him very much and wish that he would come back. His absence keeps me awake at night reminiscing about the good old days when the forum was one big happy family and everybody loved each other to death.
However since I am scroobal too, I guess I could bring him back anytime I want. The ball is in Shanmugam's court.
Hello there
Thank you for your comments. I have received 2 pms both with similar messages and one with much detail. It now makes sense. In view of the coherent messages I received, I shared a portion of the first article. It turns out that it is a small world as one member is an active participant here and we both have worked in similar circles. It appears that my article which I only sent to TR found it's way in government's hand. I was sent the remaining portion of my article.
It does explain why TR has never revealed anything original.
I assume you are with NUS and were involved in a recent talk held in NUS. There are 2 things that are not available in the Internet and you seem to know and it was mentioned during the talk.
Dear *** ****, just a view. I think the cause is more important than the persona. Aware the need to mask the being but seems to be damaging the messenger. Fully behind the cause. Also not sure if those you are addressing know what is going on.
Ms Ching I said you are close but your ex-beau is not the one. His cohort or thereabouts includes the younger sibling of the person who has been providing the accurate info about the PAP and Govt over many years. Thus some of the connections and some of the related stories albeit periphery in nature. Yours ex-beau never worked in the Admin Service and has no access to any of the material that involves the state unless it was mentioned by the sibling. The person in question reached superscale before he began providing the insights. I was refering to this person when I mentioned about well do family and connected to the first family. A very intelligent person, no airs, well respected etc. There are many anti-establishment sites but my ex-colleagues and I believe he picked this site due to its adult content and thereby reducing its acceptability profile. The less discerning will assume its noise. The persona used is also very different but you still can see his true profile breaking thru once in a while especially in the area of politics and welfare including intellectual snobbery. The petty fighting is constrived to mislead and he also never mentions the 2 Ministeries that he has been closely associated with. Lets put it this way. You found a vein which no one else has thus far.
See3-hope I can post this as I was suspended previously for some reason. I think something spooked him and I think the host is probably aware as they seem to communicate very well. The thread he started appears to be an planned exit of some sort. I thought it might be the child pornography thread that was the trigger. He was promoted not too long ago and is now one away from the top. He did make a passing comment about PSC and him in some thread some in PSC might have guessed who he is as well. I have mentioned before his persona is contrived. Some of us however are aware that it is him behind the persona based on events and incidents that are not in the public domain. I gather you too seem to know who he is based on the Ministries that you mentioned before. I don't think he is going to return. We were hoping that sparks would fly in 2016 as each elections and by elections he became an increasing and constant thorn on the party side. Maybe the host knows something that we don't.
I am another individual, who missed [scroobal]'s posts, especially his "Tales from the Istana"
Goodness how in the world does a real life person Mark Andrew Yeo ever gets identified as Scroobal?
I think he is likely S R Nathan, as only an insider can write such intimate details of the Tales from Istana.
Serious question, how was scroobal manipulative? I have read some of his posts and hardly found them to be.
Clue: Just check who was on the PSC interview panel in 1985. (BTW, Ang Kok Peng's 2 daughters, both doctors, won the President's Scholarship in '83 and '85.)