A ’sissy pussy’ handling of SMRT’s PRC hooligan drivers[/h]
November 27th, 2012 |
PM Lee
Wow! What a week to be away from Singapore. I missed such a historical moment to witness how our no-nonsense government handles a situation which we always thought will never happened in well-oiled and well-organized Singapore. That was what we have always figured before the alien invasion masterminded by the PAP government.
Well, the haunting has started. The question now is how the PAP government is going to nip the problem in the bud? Nipping problems in the bud is something of a boast with the PAP. It is time for them to show Singaporeans what this mean and how it is done.
For too long, the boast which was first made by the old Harry, was only applicable towards politics, more specifically, nipping the key opposition members who had posed a threat to their continued governance, or as soon as a party showed any sign of citizen support. The situation here is different. To Singaporeans, this is not about politics, even though the government has to keep in mind the authority in China even as they figure out what to do next.
Every Singaporean will be watching very closely. Will the government continue with its no-nonsense nip-in-the-bud boast? Or, will it bow to a bunch of hooligans (as our government is wont to call troublemakers).
The initial signs aren’t good. Even the National Transport Worker’s Union is distancing itself from these PRC hoodlums. One wonders what the NWTU is representing if it cannot represent its own workers. Isn’t it ‘protectionism’ if it only represents the Singapore worker? A joke of a statement.
The other questionable reaction coming from the NTWU is the incomprehensible and inconsistent comments it made. It was quick to distance itself from the conflict by stating that “the union does not have the legal mandate to represent the PRC bus workers of SMRT as they are not union members.” – Shit Times.
Then it added that “NTWU is prepared to help in the discussions, if the two parties welcome the involvement of the union.”- Shit Times.
The two statements help to position the NWTU in such a way that whatever the eventual outcome, it will come off it unscathed. Either way, its backside is covered. It is a no brainer that if can be of help, then why didn’t it help? Instead, it is now saying if you need help, it can help? Suddenly, the illegality of worker representation becomes legally mandated – all because the same workers union say so? Talk about being the Law and the Jury.
Coming back to how the dispute is being handled by the PAP government. Why did it allow the PRC hoodlum workers to even sit at the same table to listen to their demands? Weren’t we told that ransom will NEVER be negotiated? Does it mean that if Singaporeans are to do the same, they will have a better chance of getting what they want?
‘Talks between our management and the SLs started this morning and ended this evening at about 6 pm. This group of PRC SLs will be returning to work tomorrow’ – Shit Times.
Where is the decisive action from the government? You allow a small group of foreign hooligans to hold us to ransom, you will be allowing more hooligans to do the same in the future. They should have just sacked the whole gang of 102. By allowing them to get back to work after a whole day of negotiation is to open a can of worms with as many worms as the number of aliens there are working in Singapore today.
Why has our government turned so sissy in the face of adversity. We have been known to be efficient because we always take decisive actions against troublemakers. Or is it because we are cowed by the sheer thought of going up against China and its nationals?
Is this the same reason why Sun Xi and his kinds have been let off?
Is our Prime Minister as sissy as his favorite pink shirts? Why is our government now being showed up for the sissy pussies they are? You allow this bunch of 102 to get off with such hooligan behavior, you will be allowing 1.2 million hooligans the next time.
So, who is next? The Bangladeshi workers?
The Alternative View