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[Breaking] Israel launches air strikes on Palestinian targets. Civilians killed

syed putra

the most important point is m&ds and minahs will still continue to happily donating.

Forever, singapore wont have an islamic hospital cos nobody is happy to donate.
There is no such thing as a Islamic hospital. All patients should be treated in the most up to date and effective methods

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The term "Islamic hospital" is as retarded as "halal pork".

The concept of hospitals originate from the crusade knight order of Hospitaller. Their patron saint was Saint John and their flag of order was the Red Cross.

So the fact that nurses fighting for the right to wear tudung is quite hilarious


The term "Islamic hospital" is as retarded as "halal pork".

The concept of hospitals originate from the crusade knight order of Hospitaller. Their patron saint was Saint John and their flag of order was the Red Cross.

So the fact that nurses fighting for the right to wear tudung is quite hilarious

In sinkieland, we find community hospitals built by christians, buddhists and taoists and other religion groups. Muslims like brag that Islam is a perfect and the religion of peace, but 0 community hospital built by muslims. All their donations went to support the wars in middle east.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
This is what happens when you want to fuck with Israel.
The Israel of the 60s and present day are quite different in terms of fighting ability. No more sure win battles anymore.

I'm not a fan or sympathiser of Palestinians but I think Israel has lost a lot of their moral goodwill over the decades. I'm just going to enjoy the fireworks

syed putra

In sinkieland, we find community hospitals built by christians, buddhists and taoists and other religion groups. Muslims like brag that Islam is a perfect and the religion of peace, but 0 community hospital built by muslims. All their donations went to support the wars in middle east.
No malay doctors. So why bother?

syed putra

The term "Islamic hospital" is as retarded as "halal pork".

The concept of hospitals originate from the crusade knight order of Hospitaller. Their patron saint was Saint John and their flag of order was the Red Cross.

So the fact that nurses fighting for the right to wear tudung is quite hilarious
Nurses cover their heads with a nurse cap. Its just as good as tudung.

syed putra

The Israel of the 60s and present day are quite different in terms of fighting ability. No more sure win battles anymore.

I'm not a fan or sympathiser of Palestinians but I think Israel has lost a lot of their moral goodwill over the decades. I'm just going to enjoy the fireworks
The arab israel war nearly ended in 1973 i think if not for US airlift thst brought in needed supplies that tipped the war.
Egypt has always been embroiled in yemen civil war which has been continuing since very early on and egyptian army half the time was stuck there.
Syria on the other hand is a major sunni state under shiite rule so more thsn hslf the population are not with the gomen.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In sinkieland, we find community hospitals built by christians, buddhists and taoists and other religion groups. Muslims like brag that Islam is a perfect and the religion of peace, but 0 community hospital built by muslims. All their donations went to support the wars in middle east.

There are also 0 free clinics, 0 public schools built by moslems. Doing charity is supposedly one of islam's 5 pillars. But the ground reality is that most moslems don't do charity towards their own moslems, let alone towards non-moslems.


There are also 0 free clinics, 0 public schools built by moslems. Doing charity is supposedly one of islam's 5 pillars. But the ground reality is that most moslems don't do charity towards their own moslems, let alone towards non-moslems.

They do donate faithfully and regularly to Masjids but the money flew out of singapore. PAP only monitors fundings coming from outside, you should put up a suggestion to your MP or minister that islamic funds going out should also be watched.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whatever the Yahudi or decadent Western oppressors had done to those Arab Muslims, recognize that Muslim on Muslim violence already has had a headstart for 1400 years, long before the USA ever existed. :cool:


syed putra

Whatever the Yahudi or decadent Western oppressors had done to those Arab Muslims, recognize that Muslim on Muslim violence already has had a headstart for 1400 years, long before the USA ever existed. :cool:

Thats utter nonsense.
Reason why arab territories grew rapidly was be ause they were invited by the cities to take over the failing roman rule. That is true maybe for the first 50 years.
Even in spain, nobody was forced to convert. Spain until today remains catholic.
As for Zoroastrian, they too believe in on God so the initial arab faith was similar.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wahahaha~~ Hamas is now using bomb strapped drones to attack Israel

Drones sponsored by DJI. So now we know who's the mastermind behind this attack. Some fucking Disney bear character wants to create diversion from the atrocities he is committing in his own country.