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BreadTalk CEO Resigned, "personal and health reasons" - Is this real reason?


NTUC Fareprice will buy over..soon, all the local food enterprises will be owned by them...Hans next?, Old Chang Kee..etc.. then Sinkess will have to pray to the PxP, " give us today, our daily bread & kopi"... ha ha ha
but when no bread, they will be told to eat cake. or in our case kuih.


Bread only can be eaten!! If Bread can Talk all Kuku Bird can sing song Majulah Singapura!!

What a stupig Name called Bread Talk!! Talk Cock better!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bread only can be eaten!! If Bread can Talk all Kuku Bird can sing song Majulah Singapura!!

What a stupig Name called Bread Talk!! Talk Cock better!!
The name was a Chinese translated words. Their bread is overprized, high sugar content, sometime tough to bite into. Recently they were being fined for pouring toxic chemicals into our River. Hmmm...sounds scary to even think about what buyers are biting into.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Recently they were being fined for pouring toxic chemicals into our River. Hmmm...sounds scary to even think about what buyers are biting into.

Serious? Tot Sinkieland NO satu when safety is concerned? Such action no diff fm 3rd world countries