I won't bother to read your full posts because u are trying to evade the truth and drag this on and on. Not going to play into your hand. The fact that chowka can post, has posted, is not banned means u have failed. All evidence is in the thread in the RH. No u get a life and i am here to stay because i am very free. Why don't u resume to reporting posts again because after all the reasons u stated does not warrant any ban and there isn't any except for extreme cases. You are cockeye lah. EK means Elite Killer that asshole posting in the RH u dumbo. 
You better read and re-read all my posts, and if necessary, read it a hundred, a thousand or a million times until it gets ingrained in your damaged brain cells. The reason I bring up EK Tay is because of your obsession and fascination with lancheowman, because EK Tay is also obsessed with lancheowman, just like you. Both of you have thousands of clones in old delphi and of course, the clones get carried forward to 3in1, since it's also Delphiforums, but of course.
You whole freaking argument is so weak it has no legs to stand on. Chowka, which is yourself btw, as out to ban iluvu. You thought giving him negative rep pts will ban him so he cannot post, but you're just too stupid for the mensa calibre iluvu. He reported many of your posts and the moderator banned him for 2 days, not because your posts are not to be reported, but too many reports at one go floods the forum, that's why he's banned....but like I say, the ban is only temporary for 2 days.
So, let me put it in a simple nutshell for your peabrain to comprehend. Zapping does not ban anyone. Zapping does not prevent anyone from posting. Infraction unless it's 10 pts, will not ban anyone. Infraction is temporary for only 2 days. Then the clock resets. So, for all your ranting and whining, did I get banned or not? Did iluvu gets banned or not? No right? Cos you're useless. A total FAILURE.
I could get you banned easily if I want to, but give you chance. But you cannot ban anyone of us here.
You're a useless piece of over-rated troll in this forum. I'm not scared of you at all. Let horse come here, who scared who. In fact, I worry for you. I worried you'll get banned and then we'll be deprived of all our forum entertainment. So, we'll let you live, only to keep us entertained.
So now, who does not know the rules, but you?
However, get this very clear in your peabrain Chowka aka Cass888 aka Youtalkcock, etc. If you abuse your infraction power once too often, be prepared to kiss your INFRACTION POWER GOOD-BYE, kiddo.
That's all I've to say to you Chowka aka Cass888 aka Youtalkcock, etc. Get a life, then get a job. QUICKLY.