When I was younger some 30 plus years ago, I was proud of the then Singapore government, and fellow Singaporeans.
However, although being a non-resident for the past 30 years, and trying to remain in touch with the "heart beat" and significant events in Singapore, based on my perception and observation during my several visits to Singapore, the non-Singaporeans (based on my definition for those who were unlike us, the born and raised Singaporeans who served 2.5 years of NS and reservist), I do not have the feeling that Singapore is my home, more so when I consider the numerous "foreigners" who reside in Singapore.
Sad, but I wish Singaporeans will have more MP's who will speak for them, and show their "disagreement" towards the "multi million $ annual compensation" politicians and almost a million $ senior civil servants where it appears that money is more important than service to one's country. I am not saying that they should be paid a low salary, but when they are financially rich, it is bordering on greedy and showing an example of the wrong values when the government continues to pay the politicians one million to two million dollars, the judges $1 million plus, the senior civil servants $500,000 to $1 million. I believe that we should emphasize that when one has made a name in the profession (be it law or medicine) and earned enough to have a house and a comfortable lifestyle, one should ascribe to the value that service to the country and fellow citizens is a higher calling than $1 million. Accordingly, with respect, I submit that all the politicians, judiciary, senior civil servants, etc. should have their compensation reduced to one-half of the current compensation levels, and used the amount from such reduction to help fund the financially and physically needy, as well as medicare.
Contrary to the individual who is responsible for the significant over spending for the Youth Olympics, based on the above, Singapore is unlikely to become bankrupt (actually, the correct term should be insolvent, because it is a financial status rather than 'bankrupt" a legal status).
Although I do not know CSJ, and I am not related to him, I urge those who are eligible, to vote for him.