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Bastard Singapore media hired lowly paid reporter and camera men to harass and poke fun at billionaire uncle OK Lim. Who is this reporter ? name him!


OK. Maybe I made a error. He got stick when. Oil prices dropped way back in 2015.
Since he is a trader and store these oil on board his super tankers , his losses were phenomenal.
But the final straw was when MBS, when he got into power, brought the price of oil down in order to gain market share. It was insane. OK lim couldn't recover from that blow. All that decades building up a company into a juggernaut just vapourised.
Thanks for info . Crazy price swing. Once oil futures down into negative territory.!!! Unbelievable



The insignificant nobody me is saddened by some of the responses....

Take a closer look at the white shirt guy whom had aroused the anger of the ThreadStarter...

He was looking into his phone & was NOT pointing the camera at the defendant. He probably was laughing at a joke on TikTok.

So why the angst??? or was it just blind anger at mainstream media & freelancers?.....And are the rest of us blinded with clouded judgement that we dare not speak up the truth & reality of an incident such as this on a photograph which triggered TS anger?




The insignificant nobody me is saddened by some of the responses....

Take a closer look at the white shirt guy whom had aroused the anger of the ThreadStarter...

He was looking into his phone & was NOT pointing the camera at the defendant. He probably was laughing at a joke on TikTok.

So why the angst??? or was it just blind anger at mainstream media & freelancers?.....And are the rest of us blinded with clouded judgement that we dare not speak up the truth & reality of an incident such as this on a photograph which triggered TS anger?

I keep seeing this lady pushing OK Lim to court everytime.... Ok Lim daughter or what?