I agree, I missed the 'sinful', ones with a thick cube of fat & lean pork, with "gau luck" ( chestnuts), shitake mushrooms & a hint of star aniseed for taste, dark brown in colour ( deeply brown) & smell wonderful when you peel open the leaves. Even the leaves have that organic smell you could recongnize with your nose, all these combination makes you mouth water & eat that "bak chang" an two more. Aftwerwards suffer from indigestion even drink black tea doesn't help...as in "tik goon yum" etc...but worth it. Heart attack food with high cholesterol...we only live once, so eat to live & live to eat!
But nowadays, the dumplings aka "bak chang", doesn't taste or smell that wonderful..even the best is not ok!
I want to ask, is this dumplings festival a Southern Chinese thing? people south of the Yangtze River that is? does the Northern Chinese, people in Shanghai, Peking etc...have dumpling festival??