Stop your fucking lying and misinformation. Even though I hate the Familee as everyone can see from my past threads and posts, I hate even more defending them because a dumbshit like u cannot get anything right. The history of this G550 is very simple and not full of conspiracy theories that you insinuate.
ST Aerospace identified in 2009-2010, that due to the 2 big casinos and medical tourism, rich individuals will want to fly into singapore on private jets to gamble and seek medical treatment, ST then purchased a charter aircraft business to cater to this identified business market segment. They ordered the G550 new from Gulfstream in 2010, when they bought the company, Pacific Flight Services. They also took over a couple of Learjets and Beechcraft on the inventory of PFS. PFS operates all these aircraft on a charter basis, therefore the G550 is not on the beck and call and solely reserved for Whore Jinx and the Gay one. The G550 is regularly hired by individuals to fly charter to Japan, Russia, europe, US, etc. That is why there are reports of it in Stansted. Stansted is much nearer to London core then Heathrow, with lower landing fees, so its not unusual to see private jets there.
In addition, for some of the smaller airports and resort cities that the various ASEAN summits are held in, a smaller plane is suited to landing on the smaller airports. Not a main line widebody jet liner. In fact, for some of these ASEAN meetings, Gay Loong has flown in on a RSAF Fokker F50. If you don't know it, its a noisy prop plane flying at about half the speed of a G550. In addition to this, the RSAF stated that in 2016, they were looking to replace the F50 which in some cases were over 25 years old. So now, when they need to go somewhere on official business, they charter the G550. Its like giving business to a company you own. If this G550 is solely reserved for their use and no one else's then it would not be right. And in fact, it would have the seal and shield of the PMO on it, because it would be an official state plane. But its not the case.
This company they own, PFS, also runs a multi-engine commercial pilot training school in Australia. My guess is this is the reason that the planes all have an Australian registration. The G550, for example, is VH-PHL. This subsidiary is actually run by Goh Yong Kiat, quite an impressive guy, and not one of those fucking ex SAF genitals parachuted in to fuck things up. Goh is not going to keep his G550 on the ground just to wait for Whore Jinx to call. It only makes money when its in the air.