I have not judged him harshly at all. U on the other hand seem to have been besotted by him. Gregory Yong answered to one authority only. The papacy in Rome and directly God himself. If he has to fear anyone, he should have feared God first and foremost. Not a petty tyrant. He was given a script to read on life national TV by satan aka LKY, and brow beatened into reading it. A braver man would have said "fuck off". A smart man would have held the piece of paper in front of him, look at the live camera and said "The govt. is mistaken. These people are not marxist, but just good christians trying to help others. The prime minister is wrong". What can LKY do? Ban RC in singapore, like JW and mormons? U know now many hundreds thousands RC there are in singapore, not including prominent ones? LKY is not so stupid to do it, its committing political suicide.