Hi Drifter, I have been reading the above. Concerned I am but not deeply concerned. First of all I think it happens to many self made men or women if not often then one day it will surely happen. Secondly its worst if the person is a perfectionist and never satisfied with not just staff performance but also one's own performance although one is already very successful. Does it sound familiar? Telling you to relax don't think so much is like asking you to drink poison, "no I cannot relax I don't want to relax what is there to relax, life is too short to relax" you may not hear you telling yourself these things but deep down inside you are.
Ok then you so lucky and fall asleep but in your sleep you are struggling with dreams, many nonsensical dreams like perhaps fighting this "monster" (I mean it could be anything like work or competitors or family or anything) but then you begin to be aware that hell this is not real I know I am in my dream it only a dream if only I wake up now I have no need to be in this tiring dream but then your strong will again kicked in "no I will not wake up, I fear no monster, I will fight it on till I win". And you continue to struggle in your unconsciousness.
You wake up in the morning you feel you're really fucked not just from lack of sleep but also from the dreams that you had forgotten. This is the life of so many people in business. You're not alone. But there is help. Like you I hate to take sleeping pills and see doctor for this problem. And I am a person who is skeptical with other form of treatment especially traditional. But I am desperate, this has been going on and on for many years and like you recently its getting worst.
My desperation drove me to seek traditional help while I was in Taiwan recently. Went to a old and experienced doctor whom my partners there always go to. Consulted her and she checked me and asked me many questions for long time. I have been on Chinese medication so the past 3 weeks and I have to say it helped me a lot if not to ab able to sleep at least I do not dream so much meaning from this medication I believe it helped my brain to shutdown while I sleep. It had been very good for me and also I realized that I can sleep a little more. Drifter maybe you can seek some help from traditional Japanese or even Chinese medical help. it may help.
I believe vitamins are also chemicals or at least they are synthetic not natural, Ramseth is right though about vitamin D.