• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Anti vaxxers, please donate to Iris Koh.


The rest can call her if you want to comfort her.



Scrooball (clone)

She got a doctor to help her, so why not get a lawyer to help her now?

I got a feeling that when all else fails.... a psychotic one will step up.


Imuho she should be more honest to admit cheating moh while fighting about the vaccines mandates. It will sound more sincere to get donations.
What's wrong with cheating moh in the process of protesting? Abide by the moh rules during protest then something verlee wrong correct?


What's wrong with cheating moh in the process of protesting? Abide by the moh rules during protest then something verlee wrong correct?
Currently I'm being charged for cheating MOH. I'm innocent. I have done what I've done because I love my country. I can’t bear to see my fellow citizens face unfair discrimination, injuries from the vaccine and death of their loved ones from these jabs. Millions have stood up around the world. I believe that Singapore will rise up too and I thank you in advance for your support.
The flow chart:
1. MOH say must have vaccine cert in order to work or go to the mall.
2. I don't agree so I stood up for my fellow citizens.
3. MOH say now I charge you for conspiracy of faking vaccine cert for several fellow citizens
4. I then say I'm innocent means I didn't conspired with them. They ownself fake the cert. Not my business.
So the conclusion becomes KNN you die your business. Like that means I can't bear to see my fellow citizens face unfair discrimination ? Why they need to fake the cert ?
Bloodlee hell tong ghor ah sok sor hai ?


It’s been 5.5 months since I left and the malicious dogs cottonmouth aka glockman aka Jeremy Quek as per hint by jw5 (and sweetiepie etc) are allowed by Leongsam to smear and insult me slut whore mistress with no consequence. I have to inform Leongsam to delete the posts and sometimes to no avail and i am sick of it. So Leongsam did not follow his deal to get his moderators to remove posts speaking ill of me so here I am carrying out my vow to spam the forum if cottonmouth is allowed to spam in my threads without consequence - which cottonmouth obviously did and was allowed - and he has been allowed in this 5.5 months no need follow his agreement to stop insulting me and continued to smear and insult me whore just yesterday and insulted me have std one day before that and everyday with no consequence.

Another thing to highlight is I realised after I left forum that @strawberry = @kaninabuchaojibye and I already know @nightsafari = @kaninabuchaojibye i.e despicable nightsafari is the strawberry that started the thread Who is Ginfreely sugar daddy and then keep upping it on the pretext of asking about strawberry. No wonder so pretentious always pretending to like my Hokkien threads while stabbing me non stop.