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An Indian woman gave trouble during coronavirus


Chinese traitor dogs 走狗汉奸 @Valium @laksaboy @zhihau love to support Indians in crimes too. As long as they get benefits out of it they will support and then proudly proclaim can eat don’t waste. Can steal photos will happily steal.
Nevermind the injustice Chinese victim suffered as long as not their precious mother wife daughters. And yet shamelessly complaining pap umno ccp injustice non stop.


In fact Govt can dealt with them squarely.
For those who flout the rules, 1st time $300.
2nd time deplete them of all medical reliefs.
Pay from their own pocket.
We got no empathy for those who think they're above all, disregard the laws but continue to enjoy all those benefits.
Ya should take away their free medical treatment for coronavirus indeed.


Gin is jealous of Indian women.
I am suay to be unfairly robbed of my integrated shield plan that I paid for. That’s not called I am jealous of people with free medical treatment but called I suffered injustice. Pui your filthy Malaysian liar son of whore ccb mouth spewing evil filthy lies of me non stop.


this sort cb needs the ginfreely broomstick treatment for sure.. :geek: .. oso must dip her cb head into toilet bowl n flush it for 6.9 mins..


Indians from India are generally contentious ...if PAP aims for their votes PAP will be deeply disappointed