WP is as bad as the PAP:
August 20, 2014 at 9:58 pm (Quote)
As usual, the WP team and LTK have no moral standard and no matter of principle. LTK has no passion and no conviction/firm belief, he always sits on the fence and chooses to do the convenient thing by following which way the wind blows.
LTK would rather protect his $16k monthly salary than offend his PAP master. If you think LTK will ever make a stand for the TRUE interests of Singaporeans, I say you better tan ku ku – wait long long!!!!!
I am amazed whenever I see the WP supporters not being able to see the true colors of LTK!!!!!
I say, next General election, Vote WP and LTK OUT!!!!!!!! The WP and LTK does not do justice to the democratic movement in Singapore by sitting on the fence. Worse still, the WP does not even work hard to come up with their own proposals on important policy matters to challenge the PAP. Mind you, the taxpayers are paying to the tune of nearly $1.5 million per year to maintain the 7 WP MPs. The WP only knows how to organize tours and dinners, like the PAP, for the ulterior motive of winning (or deceiving) the votes from the gullible elderly uncles and aunties in our HDB heartlands. My fellow Singaporean, please believe me, both the PAP and WP are treating us like fools.
Next election, vote for the SDP. In my opinion, the SDP is the TRUE democratic opposition party. The SDP acts like a real gentleman and would always make a stand on what it believes, unlike the WP MPs who are so kiasi and kiasu to lose their $16k per month salaries.
The SDP has been warning Singaporeans about the CPF minimum sum scheme since 15 years ago! (Read this link
And until now, the SDP is still officially stating unequivocally to the PAP to return the CPF money to the Singaporeans. (Read this link
Vote for the SDP if you want to see REAL change in your life in Singapore. Vote for the SDP for the sake of your own future and more importantly, for the better future of your younger generations. The SDP has worked very hard during the last three years to propose alternative policies in healthcare, housing, population, education, ministerial salaries, and soon-to-come economic and CPF policies. Mind you, the SDP team did all these alternative policy proposals without a single cent of taxpayers money. The WP MPs are paid $1.5 million a year and the WP has done ZERO alternative policies in the last three years. How can the WP call themselves an opposition party???????????
Voting for more WP MPs is like voting for more PAP MPs. Why waste your precious vote on them???????? Vote SDP and the other opposition parties for your own good benefits. Do not continue to be treated like fools by these two con man parties of PAP and WP.