In the first place, nobody ask you nor force you to start it off. We don't care whether you the pioneer or not. So hence don't be a cry baby.
It is funny that affiliate links, donations....all comes in...So now your so call dues has come to you....There is no need to moan further.
Good take you have already left singapore for another country. We would prefer loyal sinkies rather then a quitter.
Edit : Singapore Coffeeshops and SPF holdings both establish long before you and i are born ! LOL
I beg to differ with you on this one. It's not easy to maintain a vibrant forum over the years. So many had failed. Otak, Sun Kopitiam, etc and the latest failure is 3in1.
I believe and hope there is an order to this chaos. Sammyboy started as a sex forum, with the Political folder as a sub-forum, when it was with Delphi. Then the sex forum moved out because of Walt Howe complaining of too many explicit images posted on it. So, the political sub-forum became the main forum, until the various political factions decide to camp in it, and too many nicks were banned by Walt Howe and he also came into the forum to delete posts, amend posts, etc, hence Leongsam decided to move home into vBulletin, because it offers an Administrator more features and controls.
In-between all these, there're trolls and/or political elements (I think) engaging in trying to bring down the vbulletin forum. I'm not defending Leongsam, but I know it's never easy to grow a forum over the years and cater to everyone's liking.
I agree fine-tuning the Infraction system is a great idea, but the more insidious and "out of control" aspect is the anonymous zapping going on beneath the surface and usually they're either misfires or outright victimization of innocent posters by indiscriminate zapping, regardless of the post's content. That, I feel, is in serious need for fine-tuning.
There're a few ways to fine-tune and I still believe we'll be in good hands finally. Still keeping the faith here.
I would never have imagined I'm a target of indiscriminate zapping, and it started with chowka and Narong zapping me and it has never stopped since my first post in this forum. Can you imagine how vindictive it is for my points be languishing in -60, then to be boosted to 146, only to be zapped to the present 10, all within 1 month?
Meanwhile, I hardly post to avoid further zapping, but it did not matter, for it does not take a rocket scientist to realize I've been targeted for zapping, no matter what I post. That, I feel, needs to be fine-tuned, for I believe there're many like me who're apolitical and are NOT interested in politics, yet being branded as PAP IB, for no rhyme and reason.
I don't know how to solve this zapping nonsense, and it's not within my power to do anything about it. Yet, I believe we're in good hands somehow. At least I hope so, but since I'm NOT a donor, I've no right to expect any special treatment here, but I really dislike to be branded PAP IB and a troll when clearly I'm totally apolitical and my posts speak for themselves. This is liken to cyber-lynching and not some impartial, above-board spam control,...hardly. My 2-cents.