If you really want answers, call up the insurance company(the insurer) to ask. Majority of insurance agents are not very clear on the policies which is thick and full of legal wordings, trust me. I used to create insurance products, work with the corporate lawyers to create policies in simple english. Yet agents still don't really bother or cant really understand. In part, there are too many products on their hands to sell. So you should present your specific questions to staff handling insurance claims in the claims department. I leave it to your own devises to reach that source.
Then talk to your insurance agent with reference to the information provided by the staff in the claims department.
By the way if a person kanna cancer, don't expect to live long unless you have millions to spend or am very lucky. For common folks, just wait out your time and spend at hotpice at the end stages. It is a very painful death, with all the vital organs breaking down when the cancer spreads.
Anyway, chemo is only one of the avenues of treatment. Quite a few patients do not choose chemo because it breaks down the good cells as well. Most aged patients just take medication to alleviate the pain and wait their time.
Smoking breaks down the body resistance, therefore, high blood, kidney failure, high cholestrol etc. may set in. So you may want to explore a wider coverage, so best to talk to your insurer.
Some old ppl just go like that; a friend's father heart just stop and went peacefully without much complications and with not much aliments when he was alive. So SGD 50 thousand is enough... varies from situations.
Some kanna hit by fallen branch or knock down by foreign diplomat, so SGD 50 thousand also enough. But remember to make sure Personal Accident PA, is included which is most if not all the case in "life" insurance policies.
One can also buy "general" insurance policy for PA if one devise to vandalise by scattering ones " brain matter and blood" at the foot of high rise buildings or train tracks. In such cases, SGD 50 thousand medical coverage is not required.
Hope this helps.
Lung cancer strikes 1 in 2 men. If you have tumour at stage 3, at Mt E, you probably need 6 cycles of chemo - 3before and 3 after suregery. Each cycle costs $7000. So total: $42000 exc GST etc. Yr $50K is bad news.
If you kena relapse, no more money!