The first man walks from his lexus towards the coffee shop. He adjusts his burberry polo shirt as he sits down, while looking at his rolex gold watch. He takes out his platinum card from his wallet, then realizes that he is at a coffee shop, puts it back and takes out $2 instead, to pay for his kopi.
His luxury stuff are all mainly paid by credit, he wonders whether he can service his debts. His small business hasn't been too good lately, recently, 2 new shops doing similar business have opened up nearby. The first shop, owned by a fillipino, is selling the same products at 75% of his prices. The second shop, owned by a prc national, is selling at his prices, but the owner has employed 2 prc women with big tits as his salesgirls. Men are flocking to this shop.
The man wonders what is happening.