Honda Zoomer X 2017 review
Capacity 110c.Very good suspension compared yo previous Yamaha fino and Honda Scoopy I

Quite chio

Digital LCD display. Actually prefer the classic analog display. Unfortunately, they no longer manufacture the analog display version. My neighbor has the older Zoomer X. Will post a pic when she is back from hometown. Also has a new feature call Idling Stop. What it does when switched on is it will stop the idling when the bike is stationary for 3 seconds. To resume from stationary, just throttle. This is good for city with many traffic lights and stops.

The seat.

The storage space under the seat opens from the side. Need the key to open the seat. Quite a hassle durig road blocks.

Locked cover to access the fuel tank cap. Again quite hassle when pumping petrol. Have to pull out the key from ignition and open the cover.

4.4 litre capacity. Currently I am using benzine which is around 36 baht. Could have used Gasohol 95 or 91 which is only 28. Many people claim it makes no difference. But I can feel the engine is much quiter and smoother, and the lesser vibration.

The bike is slightly higher than Wave, Fino and Scoopy.
Overall, a good bike. Did 90 km/hr on trips to Rayong and Chonburi and was quite stable. Didnt feel like its 90km/hr at all. Earlier Fino can only do 70 km/hr and struggling like the engine is going to explode.
Will like to try longer distance on this bike. Was toying with the idea of riding to Koh Chang in Trad province (300 km away) and Bangkok (120 km) sometime next week.
This model is also target of motorcycle theft. The number one model of motorcycle theft is Honda MSX which our friend call Gorilla bike.