In 2012, a forummer who self-proclaimed himself as a former ISD officer sent me 2 Personal Messages (PMs).
I'm not going to reveal the contents of these 2 PMs in the forum, but if anyone is interested, please indicate in this thread or send me a PM, and I'll forward the 2 PMs to you. You don't need to reply, just read them and make up your own mind whether he is genuine or a fake, and his reasons for sending the PMs. Will be happy to share my views if you ask (and you are genuine lol).
I said this before and will repeat it here. One of the weapons that pappies use is to paint oppositon candidates in a bad light, including declaring them as moles, so that they will be tainted and the pappies will be the winners once again.
Those 2 PMs are a major reason why I detest the fakes in this forum who pretend to be against pappies, but could actually be working for them. For those of you who are easily taken in by these moles and fakes, please get smarter and more observant.