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Serious A Day In The Life Of An Averaged Retired Sinkie! Life's Great, Thanks To PAP! GVGT!


From my attendance at several class and school reunion dinners, I believe that a majority of them have been very successful financially in their businesses, careers and / or professions.
But most of the average Singaporeans may not be as successful and enjoy such a lifestyle, as Jimmy.
I hope that I an wrong.
Imuho having a car and not having a car during leetirement make a hell lot of leeferences KNN a average leetired sinkie can go holiday during leetirement but that doesn't happen every mth while paying for car alone averages 1.5k per mth KNN full leetirement or even ers pays 1.6k to 2.3k all towards car not many sinkie will do this KNN all my uncle's leelatives who were mgt level civil servants have quite a good leetirement but none of them have cars KNN hence Jimmy is above an average leetired sinkie KNN and why Jimmy can achieve this my uncle think likely he was a thrifty person and best of it he is single all money into the bank throughout his working life KNN
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Everyday is a GE ad for PAP. Most sinkies have done very well from cradle to grave thanks to the PAP. The old fart in the video can retire rich in a condo, drives a merz and spends his day feasting with his friends.
That old fart looks unhealthily obese, with weak knees.


Don't see the front only. Many are funded by their successful children or by
insurance payout.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don't see the front only. Many are funded by their successful children or by
insurance payout.

Many more are simply funded by their superior earning strength during the 1980s - early 2000s, followed by a huge rise in property price. It's all thanks to good PAP governance. Majulah PAP!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Many more are simply funded by their superior earning strength during the 1980s - early 2000s, followed by a huge rise in property price. It's all thanks to good PAP governance. Majulah PAP!
With CECA there is still another few rounds of property price rise!

Think positive.