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Serious A Day In The Life Of An Averaged Retired Sinkie! Life's Great, Thanks To PAP! GVGT!


Old Fart
Jimmy has been enjoying too many pints. But he's entitled to it because of his nation-building efforts as part of the Merdeka and Pioneer Generation.
Ok lah, ok lah, Jimmy is good lah. Now where can I find him? I want to be his friend. Got merc E-class to sit in (instead of merc buses), got tons of food to eat and possibly booze too.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ok lah, ok lah, Jimmy is good lah. Now where can I find him? I want to be his friend. Got merc E-class to sit in (instead of merc buses), got tons of food to eat and possibly booze too.

The video shows you his daily routine. You're welcome to look for him at his yishun condo, the hawker centre or his beach club. If you took advantage of all the opportunities PAP provided to sinkies back in the 1960s to 1990s, perhaps you too would have retired as rich as Jimmy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
apartment too cluttered, makan too much, body out of shape. he needs to collect cardboards everyday to slim down and live a longer, healthier life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Based on what I know, this gentleman Jimmy, does not look like the average retiree in Singapore, but probably a retiree who us in the top decide (financially) in Singapore.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Based on what I know, this gentleman Jimmy, does not look like the average retiree in Singapore, but probably a retiree who us in the top decide (financially) in Singapore.

People humble. Will say they are "average".

Actually quite a lot of Singaporeans live in condos and drive mercedes. I wouldn't call it a rarity.

You don't have to be top 10% to live in condo and drive Mercedes in Singapore. I think top 25% can.

His lifestyle is also not lavish.

He goes to the public nature reserve for walks. Eats at hawker centre. Goes to Kiliney for coffee.

Visits his friends.

These don't cost a lot of money.

My relatives who are retired are mostly living this sort of lifestyle. Yes some live HDB. Some live condo. Some live landed. Some don't drive. Some drive Toyota or Mazda, some drive BMW or Mercedes. I wouldn't call them top 10%.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If individuals like Jimmy are part of the top 25 per cent, then it looks like they have done well, and enjoying their retirement.
If that is their typical lunch and dinner, it may be not as healthy.
But it does not matter, because it looks like he is enjoying his days and evenings.


Super Moderator
Staff member
If individuals like Jimmy are part of the top 25 per cent, then it looks like they have done well, and enjoying their retirement.
If that is their typical lunch and dinner, it may be not as healthy.
But it does not matter, because it looks like he is enjoying his days and evenings.

From my circle of friends and relatives they are all having a good quality of life.

Food wise to each his own. Healthy or not refers more to Cardiovascular health only and some may succumb to cancer instead if they reduced their CVD risks to very low and most I know would prefer not to die of cancer.

Perhaps the income gap has widened tremendously. However I do not know of people personally in that group.

I also think the SBF bros here are doing well too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
From my attendance at several class and school reunion dinners, I believe that a majority of them have been very successful financially in their businesses, careers and / or professions.
But most of the average Singaporeans may not be as successful and enjoy such a lifestyle, as Jimmy.
I hope that I an wrong.


Super Moderator
Staff member
From my attendance at several class and school reunion dinners, I believe that a majority of them have been very successful financially in their businesses, careers and / or professions.
But most of the average Singaporeans may not be as successful and enjoy such a lifestyle, as Jimmy.
I hope that I an wrong.
Jimmy likely belongs to the baby boomer generation. Born post WWII? Late 1940s to early 1950s.

All those in that age group who received education should be doing just fine. Back in those days it was a big deal being a graduate. If you were one you were told you'd be set for life. And even those who only got diplomas could still do well eg have teaching careers with pensions.

Those who did not get an education might be struggling.

However this only applies to the baby boomer generation where many still had pensions or some kind of retirement plan with their employers.

I think the ones who are born in the 60s and 70s have a much different prospect of retirement. Very different. There is no pension for one. Which is huge.

So wait another 20-30 years. The next generation of elderly (you and me) will be very different. Only the top 10% will have lifestyles like Jimmy. The rest will still be working at age 70+


Alfrescian (Inf)
I believe that pension plans will make the significant difference of who retires comfortably.
This is definitely the case in Canada.
The Globe and Mail had a big article about pensions and retirement. Even the Big 5 Banks have cancelled the defined benefit pension plan for those hired after 20xx.
The federal and provincial civil servants as well as teachers will still benefit from the generous defined benefit pension plans.
The SG government did away with pension plans, and were encouraging all the civil servants (those born in the 1950s to late 1950s), and asked them to convert to CPF, to save money.
The SG govt apparently tried to "scare" them by indicating that if they do not convert to the CPF, their promotions could be delayed.
One of my schoolmates was smart to remain on the pension scheme, and retired at age 60, after being a principal of a JC and a Clusters Superintendent.




I googled best cities in the world to live and sinkie is not on it.
That is why rich ahbeng retirees lives are worthless.
They got lucky or rode on the backs of others labour to get rich.
And then they don't know what to do with it. Just wait to die. In the mean time just induldge themselves like romans. Pathetic really.