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Serious A Day In The Life Of An Averaged Retired Sinkie! Life's Great, Thanks To PAP! GVGT!


Hope you can show a day in the life of OYK. So that we can see how he pawn Singaporeans on a daily basis and can see how desperate he is to become PM


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I thought GE advert :biggrin:

Everyday is a GE ad for PAP. Most sinkies have done very well from cradle to grave thanks to the PAP. The old fart in the video can retire rich in a condo, drives a merz and spends his day feasting with his friends.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Jimmy does not look healthy at all. He waddles like a duck when he walks, and look at that huge belly!

Most old farts are not wealthy. But Jimmy retired well off. Look at his life style. It's all thanks to the PAP.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Rich can retire.

Remember it is all about money.

Most of us will work till the day we die.


KNN not many normal sinkie can leetire and still own a car to drive around KNN but my uncle wonder why Jimmy can survive so old having this kind of food KNN


Super Moderator
Staff member
KNN not many normal sinkie can leetire and still own a car to drive around KNN but my uncle wonder why Jimmy can survive so old having this kind of food KNN

Meanwhile young 44 year old Polyclinic Dr died of leukemia.

It is fate.

This food stuff is again just one factor (and alot of the propaganda has business and political agenda). For example the whole saturated fat is bad benefited corn farmers in USA when the world switched from palm oil in Asia.

Who to believe anymore?


Old Fart
Most old farts are not wealthy. But Jimmy retired well off. Look at his life style. It's all thanks to the PAP.
He also seems to be a bachelor. That's one of the best moves of his life. No one to leech off his wealth and earnings. All thanks to his smarts and nothing to do with your pap.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I intend to work until I die. When one enjoys what one does, it doesn't feel like work, but a part of one's life.

I also intend to work until I die.

I hate what I do. But I have to keep doing it. It is my life.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Your uncle is right, Jimmy is wayang. Says he goes walking every morning, but look at his fat belly. He is not able to walk properly too.

Jimmy has been enjoying too many pints. But he's entitled to it because of his nation-building efforts as part of the Merdeka and Pioneer Generation.