Aust now is fuck left, right center by China....the moment when China stop importing, the great Aust starts to wither like dead leaves...
How about this.. the moment we stop breathing, we'll be like dead meat..
Aust now is fuck left, right center by China....the moment when China stop importing, the great Aust starts to wither like dead leaves...
Aust now is fuck left, right center by China....the moment when China stop importing, the great Aust starts to wither like dead leaves...
Husbands and Wives slogging all day just to pay for something 400% more than in the US is just pathetic.
At least they still own the house after all that slogging......... here in Singkieland...... Husbands & Wives & their children are oso slogging all day just to pay for a tiny pigeonhole that do not even belong to them after all that paymentThat's even more pathetic !
At least they still own the house after all that slogging......... here in Singkieland...... Husbands & Wives & their children are oso slogging all day just to pay for a tiny pigeonhole that do not even belong to them after all that paymentThat's even more pathetic !
Wither is an understatement. Australia will see diffilculty until 2011 and seeing so many people working so hard just to pay thier mortgages is sad. Husbands and Wives slogging all day just to pay for something 400% more than in the US is just pathetic.
A single income can still make it in the US
Too bad the same is not true of Arsetralia.
You behave like ShiokShit.. = intellectually disabled
Economist predicted we have a better recovery than SG and US.. but fools like you think otherwise ?? Ozzies may pay more but our returns are good too.. There is no free lunch in this world..
We need to cut back on you people anyways
1) if australia's high taxes are supposed to cover health care, why does the ATO levy an additional 1% levy if you dont have private cover when earn more than 50K?
2) if you have free health care, why do you need private hospital cover?
3) why do these private health coverages cost so much?
4) why are waiting times to get health care so long in australia?
5) why are cars 3X the price of the US?
6) why is petrol so much cheaper in the US? why is australia petrol so much higher?
7) why is food so much higher in australia than the US?
8) how come the US has so many cheap houses and prices are falling when the opposite is true of australia?
9) how come the US allows you to deduct mortgage interest on your primary home on your taxes and australia does not?
10) how come labor/services is 300% higher in australia than th US?
11) how come 2.5 million people applied to become citizens in the US last year when Australia only saw a small increase?
12) how come there is a 10% GST in australia when the GST in the US is much lower, and several states have no tax at all!!
13) how come wages in australia are not as high as the US?
14) how come 30-40% of your income is required to pay a housing loan in australia?
15) how come it takes 104K to pay for a 431K home in australia?
16) how come variable interest rates on property have exceeded 10% in australia when the US is less than half?
17) how come the planning councils in america are efficient and release land for development at a timely pace when the opposite is true in australia
18) how come there is a "good" housing crisis in america and a "bad" housing crisis in australia?
19) how come airfares from australia are so high? why is it australians pay as much to fly 8 hours as americans pay to fly 18 hours?
20) why are clothes costs so high in australia? why is it the americans sell themselves timberland shoes for $30 and charge australians $200 for the same product?
I doubt anyone here is brave enough to admit America holds an advantage over Australia
It depends on who you are ... plumbers and electricans are doing much better than their American counterparts.
Bankers are doing much better in the USA as well.
But I would rather work in Woolies rather than Walmart.
But no one here will admit the pathetic public healthcare system in USA. Thank goodness Canada and Mexico are nearby.
Health care? Obama is working on it. Patience. Soon Universal Health Care in USA.
wahahahahahhaha, you read engrish or no? universal healthcare? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Yes its Universal Health Care, and thanks for showing us how stupid you are.
I am going to save this one for the archives. So funny you are!!!!!
Hee hee hee hee
Which country is easier to migrate to ? Australia or USA ?
Read for yourself.... and understand what is Universal Health Care. Before.... you're going to slap yourself on your own face. It's nice sometimes to be call stupid by an idiot. Cheers.
"we want to make health insurance work for people and businesses, not just insurance and drug companies".......
Um...I did some volunteer work in 2008 at our State HQ for Obama in my city. I think you need to be educated on the issues as I myself helped educate others in 2008. I do not have the time nor the desire to educate you now.
Thank you for once again showing us what a world class jackass you are, and for providing me with more laughter, at your expense of course.
You are the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you.
“There are winners, there are losers and there are people who have not yet learned how to win.”
Wow, I bet you were once the President of the United States? Probably you helped draft the American Recovery Act 2009? Or you were the one who helped set up Gitmo? Or you were the one who backed Hillary Clinton's nomination for the Secretary of State... wow, I didn't know that I was talking to a "talented" and "important" person.... wow. I really must be a world class jackass! Wow, didn't you watch Jackass? They earned millions by being Jackass.... wow! Thanks for your compliment.... and of course, I'm really talking to an important man here... wow.... did you do the photo op for airforce one?
You republicans are all the same. I bet everytime Greta Van Susteren comes on TV you get a hard on, dont you, you little pansy boy. Did you cry when your idols hannity and colmes split. Or do you fervently follow every move Mott Romney makes. are you tuned in every morning and giving money away to rush Limbarugh? Do you have sexual fantasies about Sarah Palin? I bet every presidential debate your TV was glued to Fox and you agreed Obama lost every debate while every other news media outlet incl the huffington post leaned in the opposite direction.
I have news for you texas toast fuckwits. Time to get outta dodge. We are gonna house ya.
Oh man when the guys in the office read this one, there is gonna be mayhem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hee hee hee hee hee hee