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Posted on 07 Aug 2010
Ridiculous: Sudden road closure at MBS for YOG, so now no one can walk or drive out
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer YOG was among a huge crowd stuck at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) due to a road closure for the YOG, which was not made known to the public. When they questioned a YOG staff about the sudden road closure, the anxious crowd was simply told that it was due to “national security reasons”.
The affected crowd was told to make a detour to Marina Bay MRT station.
The STOMPer tells us over the phone:
“I am at MBS now. We parked at MBS and wanted to walk out after visiting MBS, however, we were stopped by YOG personnel who told us we could not leave the area.
“The YOG personnel said it was due to ‘national security reasons’
"We were not informed of the road closure before we entered MBS, so it came as a shock.
“Now, no one can drive or walk out because there is only one way out, but people are allowed to walk in.”
Keywords: YOG , MBS , road closure
Ridiculous: Sudden road closure at MBS for YOG, so now no one can walk or drive out

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer YOG was among a huge crowd stuck at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) due to a road closure for the YOG, which was not made known to the public. When they questioned a YOG staff about the sudden road closure, the anxious crowd was simply told that it was due to “national security reasons”.
The affected crowd was told to make a detour to Marina Bay MRT station.
The STOMPer tells us over the phone:
“I am at MBS now. We parked at MBS and wanted to walk out after visiting MBS, however, we were stopped by YOG personnel who told us we could not leave the area.
“The YOG personnel said it was due to ‘national security reasons’
"We were not informed of the road closure before we entered MBS, so it came as a shock.
“Now, no one can drive or walk out because there is only one way out, but people are allowed to walk in.”
Keywords: YOG , MBS , road closure