thats pathetic.
u can despise and degrade PAP, the govt etc but to look down on s'poreans is something altogether.
this is the same as LKY saying without PAP, our mothers, sisters etc would have been maids in other countries.
we may criticise s'poreans for the lack of social grace, manners or bad habits but to say we are lacking in quality, i think you should just fuck off
I totally agree with you. I am not sure why he abandon Sg and yet he is still interested in shooting Singaporeans. Perhaps Singapore has mis-treated him or he is one of the casualty from the system. E.g. school dropout.
Many others have made a lot of valid comments. I would like to add the following:
1. Taiwanese street food is good and cheap.
Singapore has the most variety in terms of food. One of the contributing factors is the land scarcity situation in Singapore.
2. Taipei has a kick-butt MRT system.
Singapore is small and it is convenient to travel by MRT alone.
3. Taipei people stand to one side when riding escalators.
During peak hours, I noted that people do stand at the left side. During offpeak period, if they don’t, you could ask them politely and usually they would quickly make way for you. I noted that it is the foreigners that don’t seem to get it. If they are in my way and still ignores me when I ask them politely, I would argue with them.
However in the shopping malls people don’t usually stand on the left side.
In the first place, standing on the left side should be made “compulsory” at all escalators not just at the MRT.
4. Taipei people don't pretend to sleep on trains while sitting in reserved seats.
Not just Singaporeans, a lot of foreigners too. Actually I think it is a good idea that the reserved seats should be expressly allocated to elderly folks and pregnant women.
5. Taiwan has a fantastic High Speed Rail.
Enough said, Singapore doesn’t need this.
6. Taiwan has freedom of speech
I have a feeling that Singapore will soon have a freedom of speech. I am seeing more and more comments at ST forum directed to the Ministers and more forumers like you voicing your views. Eventually these voices would be heard in public.
7. Taipei is really, really clean.
Enough said, Taiwan as a whole is not as clean as Singapore.
It is the Taiwanese culture to be environmental friendly – e.g reduce waste. This is something that Singapore should follow, such as not using disposable plates etc. Come on, with the climate change issue, we should start to bring our Tupperware whenever we want to tabao or bring your own chopstick to use and wash it after lunch.
And let’s be fair, I have seen many foreigners leaving a mess after their little picnic at void decks etc.
#11 - Taiwan mei mei is 100X better than the S'pore girls. Mind you, the GDP level of Taiwan is higher than Singapore and women there receive high education too. But Taiwan mei mei knows how to satisfy a man.
I assume you don’t have any sisters or female relatives. BTW, is your GF/Wife Singaporean? Mine is a Singaporean and I am satisfied with her.