#8 - the service in Taiwan (Taipei) is 10x better than the fuck service you have here. There, the waitress in restaurants take care to explain the menu not here where the dumb fucks cannot even speak clearly to save their lives.
This is an unfair comprison, The salepersons (HK/TWN) basically speak their mother tongue to you. If you understand/speak, the SG salepersons mother tongues, (instead of judging the saleperson's service base solely on their language skill, probably English, I am sure you will be a happier customers. Remember, if the sale person speaks like an English professor, they would probably not serve you a $4/bowl of noodle soup in the first place.
@@This is Singapore. I will be happy that they can speak English. No problems. Bcos English is the official language here. But alas no, they don't speak no English properly for you to understand. I am not asking for Phd English level, just simple plain English that is communicable. And secondly, its their service quality - in Taiwan, their service staff at food outlets are courteous and they greet you warmly and take care even to explain their menu. I was impressed by one outlet when they even ask politely if I came before and whether I know how to order. If not, they will explain to me. I have yet to come across the same service standard here. And mind you, the price of food is cheaper if not comparable in Taiwan and Singapore.
And even in Thailand where both the staff and I cannot communicate in Thai- I can feel the quality, the smile, the greeting...
#9 - there are no Chinamen and Banglas in Taiwan...You don't hear China-accent on the streets. They are opening their doors to tourists yes, but not importing container loads of China birds to degenerate the society
Our mixed-society is our strength not liablility. It is precisely why the world (East and West) come to live in our country. If you do not speak chinese, you will be shut out of many local happening/interesting places in HK/TWN. If you have issues with chinese speaking with chinese accents, that is your problem. Even, local SG, come in many different accents.. some use fake/mixed Aussie/UK/US accents.. some with do-not-know-where-it-comes-from pronociation/accent..
@@ There are many foreigners in Taiwan. Go around in Taipei and you see foreigners. Even their bookshops stock a wealth of English / French books. Yes, I agree, if you go to other parts of Taiwan, you will suffer if you don't understand Chinese. My point is, we have been importing so much foreigners here that instead of asking them to fit and learn to accustom to us, we are asked and made to accustom to them??? Where in the world you see this? Likewise if you want to survive in Taiwan, you oughta learn Chinese, ditto for Japan, Japanese - so on so forth.
#10 - there is little or no government intervention. You see night market everywhere, Taipei itself have countless night markets, each with its characteristics. Here, night market is extinct.
Do you like to have night-market around where you live? (presumably you live in HDB). I do not mind going to other HDB to check out the night market, but I totally 'dislike' if they hold it in close proximity. Each country has its own characteristic and uniqueness, if you find yourself so disagreeing with SG culture, then you have to move on or move out..
@@ Night markets need not be located in HDB estates. Chinatown used to have a triving night market, ditto Bugis...what happened? And then STPB tried to hatch an artificial one in Chinatown, fell flat on its face.
Night markets are actually a huge magnet for drawing tourists - Hong Kong, KL, Taiwan, Thailand all have night markets. Even in the Western world, they have weekend bazars / flea markets. Singapore?
#11 - Taiwan mei mei is 100X better than the S'pore girls. Mind you, the GDP level of Taiwan is higher than Singapore and women there receive high education too. But Taiwan mei mei knows how to satisfy a man.
Do you want TWN girl to be your girl/wife (assume that you are a man)? this will add to your frustration/misery, since you are so repulsed by foreign accents.