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60 year old insurance agent old fart runs 10km daily, observes a strict diet and donates blood every 28 days


We must know what we can do at what age. Don't cherng qiang.
Last time in mid 30s I still wanted to cherng qiang and went roller blading and ended with a broken ankle.
Even I looked like a youth then but the fact is I was already 35.
Same for this old man. He must have thought the same way I thought back then. But at 60 he look like 80.

He cannot accept that he is old, so he immerses himself in activities that he used to do so when he was young. It's the same as 60-year old auntie wearing yoga leggings, believing in form rather than matter.

But like I said, if he has the look of John Lone he will still look attractive when he is 60.



He cannot accept that he is old, so he immerses himself in activities that he used to do so when he was young. It's the same as 60-year old auntie wearing yoga leggings, believing in form rather than matter.

But like I said, if he has the look of John Lone he will still look attractive when he is 60.
I'm not sure if those people around him like family members, friends and colleagues did told him not to behave like this. If they did not or worse if they encouraged him to climb the everest then they also played a part in causing this unnecessary death.


I'm not sure if those people around him like family members, friends and colleagues did told him not to behave like this. If they did not or worse if they encouraged him to climb the everest then they also played a part in causing this unnecessary death.
I see those old uncles playing badminton twice a week at ActiveSG and SAFRA clubs, I shake my head also.

1. They don't understand they look like a cuckoo in their sports attire
2. They don't understand 适当的年纪,做适当的事

Scrooball (clone)

Give me a break, he thinks he is still young. For all this shit about exercise and good diet, he looks like an 80 year old even though he is only 60!

Wow I better go against his advice if I want to look young!