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34 yo Ms Joyce said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over 6 years from dating apps, and was scarred by 3 of her former bf cheating on her


One look and you will know why already. Which guy would want to date a woman whose nose looks like wanting to collect rain water every day and a dinobu some more?


Singles interviewed by ST also spoke about the challenges of finding suitable partners on dating apps.

Ms Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from such apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her.


Digital marketing manager Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from dating apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her. ST PHOTO: DESMOND WEE

“I had no vibes with a couple of them and we were not compatible. Some ghosted for no reason, and some are just casual dating. I would say, more often than not, the guys are the not-so-serious ones. Or maybe I’m just not the one they want to be serious with,” she said.

“Even if a guy or girl is serious, there are many choices. They tend to pick and choose as well. It’s very easy for people to be the second option.”

The digital marketing manager, who is close to her three elder brothers, also single, hopes to buy a resale flat when she becomes eligible in 2025.

She is signing up for social mixers in the hope of meeting someone offline. “At this point in life, I would want someone to add value to my life rather than someone who would disrupt it,” she added.

“I would want to have a relationship where time is well spent together, and we motivate each other to do better in life.”
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This kind of quality is basically 'fuck and throw away' for men who can't find anything better. :wink:

The fact that she gave interview time to the Shitty Times propagandists is a major red flag. Shitty Times now trying to do matchmaking as a sideline job? :rolleyes:

By the way... I have a hunch she adores her furkid very much, and once you're with her you are also expected to fulfill your duties as a paw-rent. :sneaky:



Better of marrying a foreign wife.
With local wife, you can only think of local issues like BTO , Condominium. Your plan B will be limited to the resources and influences
With foreign wives, you think of expanding your influence overseas. Your wife using her citizenship and influences will help you with her resources.

syed putra

Better of marrying a foreign wife.
With local wife, you can only think of local issues like BTO , Condominium. Your plan B will be limited to the resources and influences
With foreign wives, you think of expanding your influence overseas. Your wife using her citizenship and influences will help you with her resources.
Language and cultural barrier.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh dear... her Linkedin?


Joyce Lim​

All Rounded Digital Marketer | Social Media Enthusiast

Digital Marketing Manager​

Gain City​

May 2024 - Present 3 months


Joyce Forensia​

Jan 2014 - Present 10 years 7 months


Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma Media Studies & Management
2007 - 2010
-Involvement in NYP Open House 2008 and 2009
-Running Singapore's First In Campus TV Station, NYPTV.

Anderson Secondary
O Levels
2003 - 2006

