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[18 Oct Latest] Israeli airstrike flattens Gazan hospital. At least 500 dead


Killing babies started with the Hebrew God.

Exodus 12:29-38 New King James Version (NKJV)

And it came to pass at midnight that the LORD struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of livestock. So Pharaoh rose in the night, he, all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead. Then he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, “Rise, go out from among my people, both you and the children of Israel. And go, serve the LORD as you have said. Also take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also.” And the Egyptians urged the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste. For they said, “We shall all be dead.” So the people took their dough before it was leavened, having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes on their shoulders. Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. Then the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides children. A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds—a great deal of livestock.


The Zionists are fucking barefaced liars. I'll paste the original tweet by the IDF spokesperson so that it's kept here for posterity:

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 2.59.17 PM.png



‘Israel didn’t do it’: Leading defence expert’s hospital blast verdict​

New vision is circulating online that Israel claims “proves” the deadly... more
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Human rights groups and world leaders have condemned an air strike on a hospital in the Gaza Strip, which has killed at least 500 civilians and injured scores more.
Both Hamas and the Israeli Defence Force blame the other for the deadly carnage.
US President Joe Biden will visit Israel on Wednesday, local time, in a trip that has been thrown into chaos with Palestine pulling out of a summit in Jordan.
Read on for the latest news from the conflict.
‘It wasn’t Israel’: Defence expert’s verdict
An Australian defence expert said there is “very little evidence” Israel is responsible for a blast at a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds of civilians.
Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst in defence strategy and capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the most likely culprit is the terror group Islamic Jihad, which supports Hamas.
Scores of civilians had been seeking shelter and medical care at al-Ahli Arab Hospital when it was struck with a rocket.
Photos are emerging showing the horrific aftermath of a blast at a hospital in Gaza.
Photos are emerging showing the horrific aftermath of a blast at a hospital in Gaza.
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“Israelis are not going to make a horrendous mistake like attacking a hospital for civilians right at the point when it‘s in their strategic interest to ensure as much of backing as possible,” Mr Davis told ABC News 24.
“You can see the consequences of this action if the Israelis had done this, it would have been an incredible own goal of sorts to essentially kill large numbers of civilians deliberately.
“The Israelis don‘t do that. Yes, civilians are being killed in these air strikes but primarily because Hamas is refusing to let [civilians] withdraw. So, I don’t believe the claims were coming out of Hamas that the Israeli’s were behind this.”
Malcolm Davis is a senior analyst in defence strategy and capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Malcolm Davis is a senior analyst in defence strategy and capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Videos that have emerged today in the wake of the attack appear to show rockets “being launched from Gaza and then misfiring, then coming back down in a civilian area,” Mr David added.
“It suggests either it was a faulty rocket of that [Israel Jihad] made an error when they launched it.”
Israel to release dossier
Israel’s Defence Force claims its radars showed “outgoing rocket fire” at the same time as a blast at a Gaza hospital, which killed hundreds.
A spokesperson also claimed Israel intercepted radio communications between Israel Jihad terrorist group members indicating it had fired the rockets.
Israel has confirmed there were no forces active in the area at the time of the attack, the spokesperson added.
Aerial drone footage, which has not been released, also shows an explosion that is “inconsistent” with Israeli weaponry.
A dossier of “evidence” will be prepared and presented to US President Joe Biden when he arrives in Tel Aviv later today.
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Debate rages after 500 killed in Gaza hospital blast
Hundreds of civilians are dead after an explosion...
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‘Lies’: Israel’s claim attacked
Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad has responded to Israel’s allegation that it’s to blame for the blast.
“The Zionist enemy is trying hard to evade its responsibility for the brutal massacre he committed by bombing the Baptist Arab National Hospital in Gaza through his usual fabrication of lies, and through pointing the finger of blame at the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine,” it said in a statement.
“We therefore affirm that the accusations put forward by the enemy are false and baseless.”
An image from a video that purports to show the moment of the blast at the Gaza hospital.
An image from a video that purports to show the moment of the blast at the Gaza hospital.
The group added that the hospital had been ordered to evacuate before the blast and claimed a bomb was dropped by an Israeli Defence Force plane.
Vision ‘proves’ rockets originated in Gaza
Several video clips have been released appearing to show a barrage of rockets originated in Gaza headed for targets in Israel, moments before a deadly blast at a hospital that has killed 500 people.
Surveillance footage appears to show the deadly blast at a civilian hospital in Gaza Strip.
Surveillance footage appears to show the deadly blast at a civilian hospital in Gaza Strip.
Scores of civilians had been seeking shelter and medical care at al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which was struck overnight in an air raid that witnesses claim was carried out by Israeli forces.
Images are emerging of the horrifying scenes at the hospital, with hundreds of victims still trapped beneath rubble.
Photos are emerging showing the horrific aftermath of a blast at a hospital in Gaza.
Photos are emerging showing the horrific aftermath of a blast at a hospital in Gaza.
Vision, which has not been independently verified, is circulating online that Israelis say “proves” the blast was caused by a failed rocket strike launched from within Palestine.
In one, CCTV footage is said to show the moment a rocket fired from within the Gaza Strip fell short and exploded in Palestine.

That vision appears to match similar footage shot and broadcast by the television outlet Al Jazeera, which also shows a rocket misfire landing in Gaza.
And another clip shared online by Palestinian media outlets also reportedly depicts the moment of the blast at the hospital.

Jordan Schachtel, an Israeli journalist for the outlet Dossier Today, took to X to share a screenshot of Telegram messages he claims indicate Hamas militants are to blame.

Hamas has rejected the claims and insisted the blast was an air strike launched by Israel, calling it “a war crime”.
The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the “cold-blooded massacre”.
It will “forever remain a stain on the conscience of humanity that has been witnessing the horrors committed against the Palestinian people without taking action to stop it”, a statement read.
While the blame game continues, the United Nations and Doctors Without Borders have both said Israeli air strikes have hit medical facilities, including hospitals and ambulances, over the past week.
And the WHO claims the hospital “was one of 20 in the north of the Gaza Strip” that had been warned to evacuate by the Israeli Defence Force.
“The order for evacuation has been impossible to carry out given the current insecurity, critical condition of many patients, and lack of ambulances, staff, health system bed capacity, and alternative shelter for those displaced,” the WHO said.
Hundreds are dead and scores more injured after the blast. Picture: Getty
Hundreds are dead and scores more injured after the blast. Picture: Getty
US President Joe Biden said in a statement he is “outraged and deeply saddened” by the bloodshed and indicated America will conduct its own analysis of who is responsible.
Mr Biden said he had “directed my national security team to continue gathering information about what exactly happened”.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese spoke of the “devastating loss of life” seen since the conflict began and said he is “deeply distressed” by the attack on the hospital in Gaza.
“The protection of civilian lives must come first,” Mr Albanese told reporters.
“And respect for international humanitarian law is paramount. We condemn any indiscriminate attacks and targeting of civilian infrastructure, including hospitals. Australia joins with others in calling for international law to always be upheld.”
Violent protests break out
Pro-Palestinian protesters have taken to the streets in multiple countries across the world, with a group in Lebanon storming part of the US Embassy.
Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, called for a day of protest in response to the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, which killed hundreds.
Protesters access part of the US Embassy in Beirut and raise the Palestinian flag.
Protesters access part of the US Embassy in Beirut and raise the Palestinian flag.
Israel has denied it launched an air strike on the hospital and has blamed a misfired rocket launched by Hamas. Hamas has rubbished the allegation.
The devastating loss of life has sparked anger across the region.
Thousands of protesters gathered outside America’s Embassy in Beirut and part of the heavily fortified complex was briefly breached.
Protesters throw bricks at the US Embassy during a protest in solidarity with the people of Gaza in Awkar, East of Beirut. Picture: AFP
Protesters throw bricks at the US Embassy during a protest in solidarity with the people of Gaza in Awkar, East of Beirut. Picture: AFP
Vision appears to show people pouring inside part of the facility and over a fence, tearing a US flag down from a pole, replacing it with a Palestinian flag.
Security forces fired off smoke bombs and tear gas in a bid to disperse the crowds.
A smaller crowd had also gathered outside the French Embassy in Beirut.
Vision also shows a group of protesters storming a United Nations building in Beirut and setting it alight.

Following the deadly hospital blast, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for Palestinians to “get out and confront the occupation and the settlers”.
Protesters demonstrate in front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul. Picture: Getty
Protesters demonstrate in front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul. Picture: Getty
Haniyeh also called for Arabs and Muslims across the world to take to the streets.
Within hours of news of the attack breaking, protests across the world began, with angry demonstrations in Tunisia, Jordan, Türkiye, Syria, Morocco, Yemen and Lebanon.
Large crowds gathered outside Israel’s embassies in the Jordanian capital of Amman and in Istanbul in Türkiye.
Jordanian security forces fire tear gas at demonstrators attempting to storm the Israeli embassy in the capital of Amman. Picture: AFP
Jordanian security forces fire tear gas at demonstrators attempting to storm the Israeli embassy in the capital of Amman. Picture: AFP
Hundreds of Palestinians also staged demonstrations across West Bank cities, including Ramallah, the seat of power for the Palestinian Authority.
Footage shows demonstrators clashing with authorities, with security forces firing tear gas on the crowd.
Lebanese protesters wave Palestinian national flags and shout slogans in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Picture: AFP
Lebanese protesters wave Palestinian national flags and shout slogans in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Picture: AFP
The AFP news agency says people in the crowd were demanding Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas resign over his handling of the conflict with Israel.
‘Death to France and England’
Hundreds of furious protesters have gathered outside the French and British embassies in Tehran, after Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi declared a day of “public mourning”.
“Death to France and England,” demonstrators chanted.
Thousands have also gathered in Palestine Square in central Tehran.
Iranian students and demonstrators burn Israeli flags. Picture: AFP
Iranian students and demonstrators burn Israeli flags. Picture: AFP
In his statement, Mr Raisi declared that “Iran is in mourning”.
“The flames of the US-Israeli bombs, dropped this evening on the Palestinian victims injured at the … hospital in Gaza, will soon consume the Zionists,” he said.
Joe Biden’s trip in tatters
When the White House announced yesterday that Joe Biden would visit Israel and then travel on to Jordan to hold high-level talks with Palestine, there was hope America’s intervention could help ease the conflict in the region.
But now, in the wake of a devastating blast at a hospital in Gaza, which is believed to have killed 500 civilians and injured scores more, those hopes are all but dashed.
CNN quotes two sources as saying the White House is urgently trying to lower expectations, after Palestine pulled out of a summit in Jordan, and Jordan withdrew its invitation to Mr Biden. Egypt, which was also set to attend to broker peace talks, also refused to take part.
“The presence of Biden, who places a premium on personal diplomacy, is meant to show solidarity with the United States’ closest allies and to deter rogue actors in the region from opening up a second front in the war,” CNN reports.
“But the sudden cancellation Tuesday night of a major summit with Arab leaders in Jordan posed additional challenges for the president, who had hoped to return to the US after having firmly established a way for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza.”
Joe Biden boards Air Force One en route to Israel. Picture: AFP
Joe Biden boards Air Force One en route to Israel. Picture: AFP
The Guardian concurs with the assessment, writing: “The deadly blast has up-ended US diplomatic efforts aimed at fending off the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and thrown a dark shadow over Biden’s imminent visit to the region.”
Following the blast in Gaza, Mr Biden held last-minute briefings with his national security advisers and spoke with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who remains travelling in the Middle East.
CNN reports that the White House has come to no conclusion about who is responsible for the attack.
Israel blames a rocket fired by a Palestinian terrorist group from within Gaza, which fell onto the hospital, while Hamas insists the Israeli Defence Force conducted an air strike.
Hundreds are dead after a strike on a hospital in Gaza.
Hundreds are dead after a strike on a hospital in Gaza.
When he arrives in Tel Aviv, the president will hold high-level talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his War Cabinet.
As well as providing security assistance to Israel, the US is keen to ease the humanitarian crisis gripping Palestine and open vital border crossings with Egypt to get aid into the region.
“Despite ongoing discussions with Israel and other partners, sources downplayed the expectation that the visit would result immediately in a refugee deal or the release of American hostages in Hamas custody,” CNN reports.
Post fuels conspiracy theories
A pro-Israel social media influencer posted on X moments after the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital, celebrating the attack.
Hanaya Naftali took to X, formerly Twitter, and said: “BREAKING: Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza. A multiple number of terrorists are dead.”
Mr Naftali swiftly deleted the post, prompting pro-Palestinian social media users to point to it as proof Israel deliberately attacked the hospital.
A social media influencer has sparked conspiracies with his swiftly deleted post.
A social media influencer has sparked conspiracies with his swiftly deleted post.
He posted again claiming his original remarks were a mistake.
“Earlier today I shared a report that was published on @Reuters about the bombing at the hospital in Gaza which falsely stated Israel struck the hospital. I mistakenly shared this information in a since deleted post in which I referenced Hamas’ routine use of hospitals to store weapons caches and conduct terrorist activity. I apologise for this error.
“As the IDF does not bomb hospitals, I assumed Israel was targeting one of the Hamas bases in Gaza.
“It is known that Hamas is using civilians as human shields, it is a war crime and a crime against humanity. This should be the focus.”
German leader ducks for cover
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was forced from his plane as it was preparing to take off from an airport in Israel due to an air raid alarm.
Mr Scholz and his staff can be seen rushing off the plane and towards a vehicle.

For a moment, the German leader, who was visiting Tel Aviv for talks about the conflict, was forced to lie on the tarmac of Ben Gurion Airport.
Horrifying scenes at site of hospital blast
Palestinian authorities say 500 people are feared dead after the blast at al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which humanitarian groups have described as “the worst attack on a medical facility in the 21st Century”.
Zaher Sahloul from the US-based MedGlobal humanitarian organisation called it “the worst attack on a medical facility in the 21st Century”.
“Bombing hospitals is against international law. It is a war crime,” he said.
“It compounds trauma in the Gaza Strip, sending the message that nowhere is safe, not even inside a hospital.”
Palestinians killed in the air strike on the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza. Picture: Dawood Nemer/AFP
Palestinians killed in the air strike on the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza. Picture: Dawood Nemer/AFP
The World Health Organisation (WHO) demanded the immediate protection of civilians and health care in the Gaza Strip. “
WHO strongly condemns the attack on Al Ahli Arab Hospital,” WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X.
Tamara al-Rifai, from the UN Relief and Works Agency, claimed there was “direct Israeli fire” on the hospital.
“An attack on densely populated refugee camps where people are sheltering in UN schools and premises is something that is utterly shocking. It is a very sad violation of international humanitarian law. I am lost for words right now,” she told Al Jazeera.
Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7. Picture: AFP
Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7. Picture: AFP
The International Committee of the Red Cross has expressed its “shocked and horrified” by the blast.
“Hospitals should be sanctuaries to preserve human life, not scenes of death and destruction,” it said in a statement.
“No patient should be killed in a hospital bed. No doctors should lose their lives while trying to save others. Hospitals must be protected under international humanitarian law.”
Israel slams accusations it bombed hospital
Israel’s Foreign Ministry also claimed it has vision that proves Hamas rockets were responsible for the blast at the hospital.
“From the analysis of the operational systems of the IDF, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed through the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit,” a post from Israel’s official account on X, formerly Twitter, reads.
“According to intelligence information, from several sources we have, the Islamic Jihad terrorist organisation is responsible for the failed shooting that hit the hospital.”
Vision shows the moment after a rocket landed on the hospital.
Vision shows the moment after a rocket landed on the hospital.
It said that “the IDF did not conduct any operations in the area at the time of impact”.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a furious statement shortly after the blast.
“So the whole world knows: The barbaric terrorists in Gaza are the ones who attacked the Gaza hospital, not the IDF,” Mr Netanyahu said.
“Those who cruelly murdered our children, murder their children as well.”
Social media vision shows the chaos inside the hospital.
Social media vision shows the chaos inside the hospital.
And Israeli President Isaac Herzog has slammed allegations it launched an air strike on a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds.
“An Islamic Jihad missile has killed many Palestinians at a Gazan hospital — a place where lives should be saved,” Mr Herzog said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.
“Shame on the media who swallow the lies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad — broadcasting a 21st-Century blood libel around the globe. Shame on the vile terrorists in Gaza who wilfully spill the blood of the innocent.
“Never before has the choice been clearer. Israel is standing against an enemy made of pure evil. If you stand for humanity – for the value of all human life – you stand with Israel.”
Israel is being pushed to release its intelligence it says proves it did not bomb the hospital, with a defence spokesperson said it “may” do so.
“We’re in the progress of declassifying. I cannot promise yet that we will but maybe because of the importance and because what is at stake here that may happen,” the spokesperson said.
People injured in the blast were rushed to nearby Shifa Hospital. Picture: Getty
People injured in the blast were rushed to nearby Shifa Hospital. Picture: Getty
When asked if Israel was “100 per cent certain” it didn’t strike the hospital, the spokesperson said: “As certain as anybody in war can be with millions of pieces of information flying around.”
“But after a very serious review, I can say that is the information that we have now we are confident and the information that we have says this was a failed launch by Islamic Jihad.”
Biden on his way to Israel
US President Joe Biden has taken off from Andrews Air Force Base in Air Force One, headed to Israel for high-level talks.
Mr Biden was due to then travel on to Jordan for a summit with Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, but he has pulled out.
Mr Biden and Mr Abbas were due to meet in Oman, alongside Jordanian represents and a delegation from Egypt. But the president may skip the Jordan part of his visit entirely after the kingdom also pulled out of plans to meet with Mr Biden, and Egypt refused to attend.
Joe Biden has departed Andrews Air Force Base on board Air Force One, headed to Israel.
Joe Biden has departed Andrews Air Force Base on board Air Force One, headed to Israel.
After the news, Mr Biden decided to cancel his visit to Jordan.
“After consulting with King Abdullah II of Jordan and in light of the days of mourning announced by President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, President Biden will postpone his travel to Jordan and the planned meeting with these two leaders and President Sisi of Egypt,” a White House official said.
“He looks forward to consulting in person with these leaders soon and agreed to remain regularly and directly engaged with each of them over the coming days.”
News of the cancelled meeting came on the back of Hamas blaming America for the bloodshed at the hospital.
Hundreds were killed in the blast. Picture: AFP
Hundreds were killed in the blast. Picture: AFP
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a televised address that the US was to blame because it has given Israel “cover for its aggression”.
Speaking after the horrific attack, which has killed 500 people, Haniyeh called on Palestinians to “get out and confront the occupation and the settlers”.
“The hospital massacre confirms the enemy‘s brutality and the extent of his feeling of defeat,” he said.
He added that the attack will be “a new turning point”. Haniyeh called for Arabs and Muslims across the world to stage protests against Israel.
World reacts to hospital horror
The White House has issued a statement, which reads: “The President sent his deepest condolences for the innocent lives lost in the hospital explosion in Gaza, and wished a speeding recovery to the wounded.”
Russia and the United Arab Emirates have demanded an urgent session of the United Nations Security Council. The UN has agreed and a meeting will take place tomorrow.
The request came shortly after Jordan’s King Abdullah described the situation as a “massacre” and blamed Israel for the attack.
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has worsened after a blast at a hospital killed hundreds. Picture: Getty
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has worsened after a blast at a hospital killed hundreds. Picture: Getty
King Abdullah called for Israel to immediately end its war against Hamas, which has caused the suffering of Palestinians that is a “shame on humanity”.
In the United Kingdom, Labour leader Keir Starmer said scenes at the hospital are “absolutely devastating and cannot be justified”.
Mr Starmer took to X, formerly Twitter, to say: “International law must be upheld.”
In Scotland, First Minister Humza Yousaf said the blast must be “unequivocally condemned in the strongest possible manner”.
Mr Yousaf, who has family in Gaza, added: “There can be no justification for this. None whatsoever.”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the attack is “horrific and completely unacceptable”.
The French Foreign Ministry has issued a statement, which read: “International humanitarian law is binding on all and must enable the protection of civilian populations. Humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip must be opened up without delay.”
Palestinian paramedics cry in the wake of a devastating blast at a hospital in Gaza. Picture: Getty
Palestinian paramedics cry in the wake of a devastating blast at a hospital in Gaza. Picture: Getty
French President Emmanuel Macron took to X, formerly Twitter, to offer his thoughts, writing: “Nothing can justify striking a hospital. Nothing can justify targeting civilians.
“France condemns the attack on the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, which made so many Palestinian victims. Our thoughts are with them. All the light must be shed on the circumstances.”
Saudi Arabia has also condemned the “heinous crime”.
Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong said the incident is a “devastating loss of life”.
“The scenes from the explosion at a Gaza City hospital are deeply distressing,” Senator Wong wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “It is clear there has been a devastating loss of life. Our thoughts are with those killed, those injured and their loved ones.
“The protection of civilian lives must come first and respect for international humanitarian law is paramount. We condemn any indiscriminate attacks and targeting of civilian infrastructure, including hospitals.”
Fears of violence in Australia
An international security expert is “very concerned” about the potential for lone-wolf attacks in Australia as a result of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Neil Fergus was speaking on Channel 9’s Today show this morning and said tensions here are rising.
“The reality is we have a lot of people out there on different sides of this struggle who are feeling aggrieved, alienated, of course finding out that they‘ve got relatives that are missing or been hurt or kidnapped,” Mr Fergus said.
ASIO boss Mike Burgess is worried about the potential for violence in Australia. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
ASIO boss Mike Burgess is worried about the potential for violence in Australia. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
The remarks come after the boss of Australia’s spy agency yesterday warned about the risk of “spontaneous violence” on home soil.
Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation Director-General Mike Burgess is in San Francisco for a meeting of the Five Eyes alliance.
He said: “We, of course, recognise this is a moment that drives feelings and attitudes in our respective countries and in Australia, so we’re on the lookout for that as we see protests and counterprotests … but we do anticipate spontaneous violence around these.”
Aussies remain stuck in Gaza
The Australian Government is hopeful another repatriation flight will be able to leave Israel today, but it all hangs on security conditions.
Government-assisted flights have already evacuated more than 1500 Aussies from the conflict-torn region.
Foreign Minister Penny Wong urged any remaining citizens to leave Israel as soon as possible, warning of a situation that is “highly challenging and rapidly changing”.
Earlier today, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neill confirmed there are 46 Australian citizens in Gaza.
“I can’t give you the demographic information of who it is, all I know is that there are 46 Aussies with Australian passports in their hands,” Ms O’Neill told Channel 7’s Sunrise.
The government has helped some 1500 people to flee the region, she added.
“We’ve got to now focus our attention on those 46 people, and we’re doing everything we can. We hope that we’ll be able to report back something positive.”
Aid still unable to enter Gaza
A long queue of trucks packed with vital remains blocked at the Egypt border with Gaza, with a crossing between the cities of El-Arish and Rafah still closed.
But there’s growing hope that humanitarian aid could begin flowing into the war-ravaged region today.
“Until now, there is no safe passage that has been granted,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said.
An Emirates cargo plane is loaded with aid for the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Picture: AFP
An Emirates cargo plane is loaded with aid for the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Picture: AFP
In an interview with CNN, Mr Shoukry also confirmed the border crossing at Rafah had been bombed four times in recent days.
“The crossing has sustained damage, the roads, access roads between the Egyptian and Gaza side have severe damage and need repair,” he said.
The death toll from the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to surge and now marks the deadliest of five wars since 2008.
Gaza’s Health Ministry said 2,778 Palestinians have been killed and 9,700 wounded since 7 October.
But some 1200 others are unaccounted for.
More than 1400 Israelis have been killed and some 200 remain missing, held hostage by Hamas militants in Gaza.
We recommend

syed putra

The communist Party of malaya used to kill innocent civilians too. Mostly malays and European planters and miners. Eventually these buggers obtain citizenship. It's unbelievable.


The communist Party of malaya used to kill innocent civilians too. Mostly malays and European planters and miners. Eventually these buggers obtain citizenship. It's unbelievable.

BOdoh Msia PM. Shld learnt from Spore how to manage racial population. MalayMuslims population shld be at least 95%!


Exodus 23:1
"You shall not spread a false report. Do not join the wicked by being a malicious witness.

Deuteronomy 5:20
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

Quran [4:135] O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe GOD, when you serve as witnesses, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether the accused is rich or poor, GOD takes care of both. Therefore, do not be biased by your personal wishes. If you deviate or disregard (this commandment), then GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

What is TRUE & what are LIES ?

Hananya Naftali WAS the FORMER digital media officer of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and NOT IDF spokesperson.

2. Terrorist rockets were seen being fired from near the hospital & landed upon the compound of the hospital, flattening it & causing death to many there.

3. In terms of 'bare face liars' - the terrorist group Hamas posing as Muslims, MISUSING the Quran by mis-interpreting selected quotes often taken out of context to fool peaceful Worldwide Muslims to join their barbaric causes, NONE beats them to lying & getting away from blame even after SLAUGHTERING innocents.
Taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury.

Hamas had acted as if they are gods, with power over life & death of Humans, and that is APOSTASY, as even under Sharia Law - Islam DOES NOT tolerate the killing of innocents.

orh mee suah

Killing babies started with the Hebrew God.

Exodus 12:29-38 New King James Version (NKJV)

And it came to pass at midnight that the LORD struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of livestock. So Pharaoh rose in the night, he, all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead. Then he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, “Rise, go out from among my people, both you and the children of Israel. And go, serve the LORD as you have said. Also take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also.” And the Egyptians urged the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste. For they said, “We shall all be dead.” So the people took their dough before it was leavened, having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes on their shoulders. Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. Then the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides children. A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds—a great deal of livestock.
The context?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiagong Biden cannot differentiate Ukraine and Iraq:
Biden had been trying to do a regime change in Israel before this Hamas incursion happened. US wanted Israel to have a more left wing coalition government and normalise relations with Saudi.

Now a full scale war with Iran will keep Zionist hawk Netanyahu in power. Biden also has his own re-election next year to think about.

Let's see how things play out


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Not forgetting IsraHell been killing babies since day 1. Thats how they spin story of 40 babies.

Not forgetting that your religion its-lame has been killing babies since its invention by the founder mahomet. moslems like to blame war crimes on others when their religion its-lame permits war crimes.


While blame games, manipulations go on, there ARE fellow Human lives to be SAVED. With the hospital destroyed by Terrorist groups, humane doctors, nurses & the helpful would be in quandary on where to sent the injured & patients to, & probably sent to disparate locations, worse when med aid is not coming thru due to blockade & theft by Hamas whom would rather see out of action deemed useless Hamas fighters to their barbaric cause & civilians die, to be used for propaganda purposes to play the victim card.


With PrezBiden in Israel, perhaps he may convince the Israeli authorities to find a nearby CENTRALIZED location for Med Assistance.

A) It would be a SANCTUARY, & guarded by UN Forces, with cameras & digital devices such as radar to scan for ANY attempts by the evil to destroy another med centre meant to save lives & FULL evidences recorded.

B) NO AMMUNITION or able bodied Hamas forces will reside there within a radius of 20 km as well as any Israeli troops or aircrafts.

C) NO religious institutions - Islamic, Jewish or Christianity will be allowed within that range, as Hamas, who are acting as gods on Earth with power over life & death of Humans had shown & proven to FOOL devout & peaceful Muslims to support their hideous causes.

D) Should med supplies - medicine, food, instruments be stopped by the barbaric Hamas forces on land, such will be AIR DROPPED to that centralized area to save lives, & there would be much from Worldwide Humanity.

E) It would be impossible to create a hospital overnite. However, TRIAGES thru the form of tentage can be quickly installed, or any existing building that has the proper infrastructure such as rooms, toilets, water supply, electricity, fans, etc, can be found in that Sanctuary, by med professionals whom had served as Hospital Administrators before, & there are many Worldwide whom do abide by Hippocrates Principles, than wealth alone...

Ultimately, this senseless war has to end. Unfortunately the Hamas leadership prefers Humans to die than to see REALITIES, & Israel - with responsibilities to the thousands dead victims families & hostages lives to save, are in an unenviable position.

The fastest way to end this insane war is for Hamas to surrender to the authorities, accept judgement by learned judges even if under Sharia laws, FREE all hostages, & its supporters, the peaceful & devout Muslims Worldwide as well as donor$, convince them to do so & NOT harm Islam anymore - a religion of Peace...

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Read from another source, the Hamas denied it was their rocket. Not an easy nut to crack. Can't really tell much from the video either.
Last night many fake pics and videos came out after the strike but they were easily debunked as old footage.

For sure there had been military propaganda specialists working overtime to tell the story right. Deception is a big part of warfare