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[18 Oct Latest] Israeli airstrike flattens Gazan hospital. At least 500 dead


Could be an accident by hamas. Their jihadists have blown themselves up before while building bombs or missiles.
You choose the implausible Zionist perspective that Hamas blew themselves up by accident. I choose the more logical perspective that the Zionists blew up the stockpile on purpose, as they have done again and again in the past.

If clowns like you used your brains, you wouldn't be moslem in the first place.
Shouldn't you be happy that the moslems died as "martyrs' ? Off to collect their 72 virgins in paradise.
First, I'm not Muslim. Second, I don't think that Christians are smarter than the Muslims.

BTW, Steve Jobs was an Arab (father was Syrian, mother American). The greatest tech visionary in the 20th century.

Jihadists have been using mosques, schools and hospitals to conduct their jihadist activities and to stockpile weapons. What else is new?
That still doesn't justify bombing civilian shelters and abodes which the Zionists love doing. Under the Geneva Convention, hospitals are protected places even in wartime.

orh mee suah

In past Arab- Israeli conflicts, international war correspondents had witnessed the terrorists firing rockets near the hotels they were staying.
The terrorists are also known to stash ammo in mosques, schools or hospitals and residential buildings. The blasts are usually massive and followed by secondary explosions.
It's unreasonable to blame the IDF right away.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You choose the implausible Zionist perspective that Hamas blew themselves up by accident. I choose the more logical perspective that the Zionists blew up the stockpile on purpose, as they have done again and again in the past

Nah, you chose the implausible jihadist perspective where they blame all the war crimes on others.

First, I'm not Muslim. Second, I don't think that Christians are smarter than the Muslims.

Yet you parrot the standard jihadist propaganda crap.

BTW, Steve Jobs was an Arab (father was Syrian, mother American). The greatest tech visionary in the 20th centur

Steve Jobs doesn't seem moslem. You're using arab and moslem interchangeably.

That still doesn't justify bombing civilian shelters and abodes which the Zionists love doing. Under the Geneva Convention, hospitals are protected places even in wartime.

Didn't see your beloved jihadists follow Geneva convention when they slaughtered so many Israeli civilians including kids on Oct 7-8.


Steve Jobs doesn't seem moslem. You're using arab and moslem interchangeably.
Father was Syrian Muslim, converted to Christianity.

Steve Jobs was atheist. But he inherited Arab Muslim genes. Remember, intelligence is largely inherited.


Can inherit moslem genes???
Islam is not coded in DNA. Intelligence is.

But I'm taking your assertion that 'Muslims are stupid' to its logical conclusion. So if all Muslims are stupid, and intelligence is largely inherited, then descendants of Muslims should also be stupid, even if they convert to other religions.



You earlier said Steve Jobs inherited arab moslem genes.
OK typo. I meant to say: "Steve Jobs inherited an Arab Muslim's genes."

Premise remains the same: intelligence has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with genes. Steve Jobs could have converted to Islam, and he'd still be greatest tech guy ever.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
OK typo. I meant to say: "Steve Jobs inherited an Arab Muslim's genes."

Thanks for clarifying.

Premise remains the same: intelligence has nothing to do with religion,

Vast majority of moslem societies aren't doing well. Poor, lowly educated, not safe for women, infested with jihadism. Common factor is the mohammedan religion.

Same for jiuhu and Singapore. The community that needs the disproportionate support from the government is mohammedan.


Vast majority of moslem societies aren't doing well. Poor, lowly educated, not safe for women, infested with jihadism. Common factor is the mohammedan religion.

Same for jiuhu and Singapore. The community that needs the disproportionate support from the government is mohammedan.
It may not be politically correct, but have you ever wondered that if the poverty and low education level of Jiuhu and Singaporean Muslims have more to do with genes and less to do with religion?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It may not be politically correct, but have you ever wondered that if the poverty and low education level of Jiuhu and Singaporean Muslims have more to do with genes and less to do with religion?

I'm not into the racial superiority theories you believe in.


So Hamas is hiding behind human shields and placing weapons at medical facilities which is a no no under the Geneva convention
That was what he said initially when the incident happened. And he subsequently changed his tune. He thought it was an attack from Israel and quickly jumped on to defend Israel action by saying the Hamas launching rockets from hospital and used civilians as human shields. When a fake jews opens his mouth, 10 lies already came out.
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Why would Hamas blow up their own stockpile? The Western and Jewish-backed media are trying to spin fake news implicating Hamas, and the retards here taking it in hook, line and sinker. People here don't use their brains. LOL.

Israeli has been bombing hospitals, schools and universities since the Intifada started. What else is new?

It's the Zionist modus operandi. You kill 1 Jew, I kill 100 Arabs, including civilians.

Not forgetting IsraHell been killing babies since day 1. Thats how they spin story of 40 babies.