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[18 Oct Latest] Israeli airstrike flattens Gazan hospital. At least 500 dead


Alfrescian (Inf)
Isn't it the Israeli rule ...one Jew killed, retribution is 100 Arabs die?
So, 1200 Jews died, 120,000 Arabs must die. More Arabs - at least more than 100k - need to die before Israel can even consider a ceasefire.

syed putra

It takes 6 years to train a doctor. Specialist even longer. Same as nurses. If many perish in this hospital, palestine heath care has just gone kaput. I believe israel has destroyed the university too.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Comparing jdam airstrikes for verification. A lot of fake news going around claiming it was Hamas' own homemade fertiliser rocket which did this




If this was fired by Hamas, then I think this indeed was a misfire.




This guy tried to PLP at lightning speed like those grassroot people, end up got backfired.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
It takes 6 years to train a doctor. Specialist even longer. Same as nurses. If many perish in this hospital, palestine heath care has just gone kaput. I believe israel has destroyed the university too.
You don’t need so many to perform circumcision. Just a prayer and heated scalpel will do.


View attachment 190150

If this was fired by Hamas, then I think this indeed was a misfire.

It was certainly a massacre, & may not even be a misfire...

Just think - who would benefit from such an atrocity?

Hamas had proven itself to be monsters, fully capable of any monstrosity - killing innocents, kidnapping others & slaughtering them one by one by the hour if their hideous demands are not met. Thus flattening a hospital is nothing to them. They are animals with animal cunning. It serves 2 purposes:-

1. Flattening the hospital, killing all lives & then blaming it upon Israel would draw World's attention & insane support for Hamas.

2. Many of those patients were Hamas fighters in need of med attention after fighting & the bombings. With aid blockaded, Hamas have little med supplies for them whom are injured & useless to the terrorist organization. Worse, when the invasion comes, those fighters WILL reveal critical information on Hamas - its leaders, locations & whereabouts of hostages & ammo dumps, & much more to the Israeli military.

With such in mind by the Hamas leadership & tutelage from Iranian advisors, it would be a better solution to just simply bombed the hospital for those above mentioned strategic benefits.

UNFORTUNATELY....they did not realize their grotesque actions were RECORDED by news media.....


Why would Hamas blow up their own stockpile? The Western and Jewish-backed media are trying to spin fake news implicating Hamas, and the retards here taking it in hook, line and sinker. People here don't use their brains. LOL.

Israeli has been bombing hospitals, schools and universities since the Intifada started. What else is new?

It's the Zionist modus operandi. You kill 1 Jew, I kill 100 Arabs, including civilians.


looking at such huge damage to the hospital and with about 500 dead
need the amount of a few hundred kg of explosives launched or by air strikes
the Hamas used are in term of few kg explosives cannot cause this large scale of damage


Too much chaos and conflicting news about this blast now. I think given how inflamed tempers are now in the Middle East sooner or later someone is going to say "fuck it I don't care who started what who's at fault anymore I WANT TO KILL THE OTHER SIDE".

And that's how a war starts.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why would Hamas blow up their own stockpile?

Could be an accident by hamas. Their jihadists have blown themselves up before while building bombs or missiles.

The Western and Jewish-backed media are trying to spin fake news implicating Hamas, and the retards here taking it in hook, line and sinker. People here don't use their brains. LOL.

If clowns like you used your brains, you wouldn't be moslem in the first place.
Shouldn't you be happy that the moslems died as "martyrs' ? Off to collect their 72 virgins in paradise.

Israeli has been bombing hospitals, schools and universities since the Intifada started. What else is new?

Jihadists have been using mosques, schools and hospitals to conduct their jihadist activities and to stockpile weapons. What else is new?