U look at this! The uyghurs are having freedom and can own biz! They speak chinese as they need to deal biz with chinese! Where is the oppression?
Watch this.
U look at this! The uyghurs are having freedom and can own biz! They speak chinese as they need to deal biz with chinese! Where is the oppression?
Watch this.
Hahaha.... Alrdy know abt the reedcuation camp la but u see there one extreme vid to another extreme vid! Food ranger vid did not show any oppression somemore he is ang mo so he is showing the truth! The reeducation camp is so much hyped!
The uyghurs there really cause terrorism plus the uyghurs actress also dont even bother abt the uyghurs reedcuations camp and assimilate well with han chinese! The far west of china uyghurs really cause the bad name of themselves and murder peo and steal and rob and cause the garment to take action!
Of cuz u will forever side the mosem and their wrong doings! If the chinese keep murders malays in msia, wont the garment start to take action?
Vice versa la! The malays also got kill chinese la! What about the indon kill chinese in large numbers?If u care to watch the full video i just posted (which i doubt u watch), u will know the answers. Ughurs were forced to say positive things about Hans or chicom. If not their whole family will not be spared!
The cheena communist did murder the Malays in Msia. But cheena msians were lucky. The Malays are very friendly and compassionate, did not forced them to abandon their culture, beliefs and forced to speak Malay. Malays not evil as chicom.
CCP does not understand why minorities do not want to behave like nor in anyway associate with han Chinese. It will be a regression.
In Indonesia, Chinese started the killing first by trying to turn Indonesia into a communist cou try, like in china.Vice versa la! The malays also got kill chinese la! What about the indon kill chinese in large numbers?
The reeducaion camp is becos the uyghurs started terrorism there! I go china always hear chinese say beware the uyghurs peo as they will steal and rob and murder! hear case of them use hiv needle and poke the chinese! All these are not reported in the media! There will be reasons why the garment started to do reinforcement! There is many case that the uyghurs murder the chinese!
Nonsense. he alrdy started cracking down just aft he become president.In Indonesia, Chinese started the killing first by trying to turn Indonesia into a communist cou try, like in china.
Same as in Malaysia.
That food ranger video was made 3 years ago before xi jinping became mad due to trump!
This uyghur chio bu can speak chinese so easily and wasnt force being learn chinese language! U all have been fooled by the media!
The Thirtieth of September Movement (Indonesian: Gerakan 30 September, abbreviated as G30S, also known by the acronym Gestapu for Gerakan September Tiga Puluh, Thirtieth of September Movement) was a self-proclaimed organization of Indonesian National Armed Forces members who, in the early hours of 1 October 1965, assassinated six Indonesian Army generals in an abortive coup d'état, resulting in the unofficial but more accurate name of Gestok, for Gerakan Satu Oktober, or First of October Movement.[1] Later that morning, the organisation declared that it was in control of media and communication outlets and had taken President Sukarno under its protection. By the end of the day, the coup attempt had failed in Jakarta. Meanwhile, in central Java there was an attempt to take control over an army division and several cities. By the time this rebellion was put down, two more senior officers were dead.Nonsense. he alrdy started cracking down just aft he become president.
If we get to see her parents and relatives living safely and happily, then we are convinced. Right now, they could be held against their will and state forces her to marry a han or famiky will be harmed and tortured before executed.
They blame the communist but is not chinese started the fight first!The Thirtieth of September Movement (Indonesian: Gerakan 30 September, abbreviated as G30S, also known by the acronym Gestapu for Gerakan September Tiga Puluh, Thirtieth of September Movement) was a self-proclaimed organization of Indonesian National Armed Forces members who, in the early hours of 1 October 1965, assassinated six Indonesian Army generals in an abortive coup d'état, resulting in the unofficial but more accurate name of Gestok, for Gerakan Satu Oktober, or First of October Movement.[1] Later that morning, the organisation declared that it was in control of media and communication outlets and had taken President Sukarno under its protection. By the end of the day, the coup attempt had failed in Jakarta. Meanwhile, in central Java there was an attempt to take control over an army division and several cities. By the time this rebellion was put down, two more senior officers were dead.
In the days and weeks that followed, the army, socio-political, and religious groups blamed the coup attempt on the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). Soon a mass purge was underway, which resulted in the imprisonment and death of real or supposed Communists Party members and sympathizers. Under the New Order, and sometimes used by the current government, the movement was usually referred to as "G30S/PKI" by those wanting to associate it with the PKI.[2]